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'IP!Ul'[:S <br />Cii>/ <br />OC~;. 72, '198 i <br />I;oi~~rt. i?r. FaheY noint~d nu'r, tnat ~hc Plann'in:~~ Coa~raission p<zssecl al~ng <br />~9oyer ~Lhe rr:~c;uest of '~ir. ~o~~er~t "~oyer i or a seconc ~ccessorv buj 1 di pcr <br />Sh~d to th~ ~o~~nci 1~roi ~i.hou~ rr_commetndai:i on. <br />l~~l~'11C~c1 i.'~.Y'. i?0')°1^'~ ~%i~y@l"~ £~~~~ ~d[301^G'. ~?Odf.l~ 1DnE?d~"('C~ })CfOV"!J "f;}1~ ~~OUYICI~ <br />Iter.l "lo. G requ2,tinn ai~proval nf a condi~tional us2 per~rii~t to r.ons'tri.irt <br />a seconc! ~tccessory l~uilc!inc! ori his property, hSr. !~toyrr r~nortc~~ci <br />~;~iat i~~e began cons~Lruction of sYte~l aftF°r he ~aas ~.old b~~ <br />Ci ty sta~ff i:ha~l hr-~ c~i ~i not r'ieed a bui 1<li nq n^rmi t. ''!oyer repor~t;e~. <br />that tPie s~ec~ is 1? ~feet by <?0 ~Feet, and 'nr., va~s tol!' t!~iat the <br />siiec( ~;tou.l<i ~~ava to be a~t least five fee~t ~froin t'ne property line. <br />Couric'i 1 4~oi nted out i:~~t~.l`. Codc~: reqi.ii r~~s ~.icc~_~ssory bu'i 1 di nc~s i;o b~~ <br />10 ~F?et from t`ric prooer~ty 1 i vi: ,~nd si ncFa ~1oy~r Ytas a corir~r 10~;, <br />t~e se~tba.c':< :~ioi~i1 cl ,~~zv~ to !~~~ 3~ ~feei; ~Pro~;i a publ i c s ~r~e~t. <br />T~li. ~'~dl"C:lYll dQh"'-:'.P.Ci ~~lr'~'(: t'~i1 (`,7'POY' '.4dS RIdG" J~ t~'i@ r,l'(',}/ 7Yl fidil(171t1Q <br />tl~~ s rria~tt?r ancf ~Fel ~t t:ha'f; th~ she~i shot~l d he anproved a.s 1 o~n<,r as <br />"I I: ','1l5 .'!iOVE`(~ 1 Yl ~ l Il!'. !ifl ~:(1 l"rl.`? ~X1 S~i,l ilCj Cldl"'r.iQf'. <br />Soi.incil CiISC,U55C'C' ~10"I ~l1~ S{lEfi COU~<~ ~)8 IIIOV~C'~ dYIC~ '':P. "''OVn7' 811C1 <br />hi s son i ndi catec that they coul c inov;~ t~ie sh~~ i n'I i n:~ sti c'n t'ne <br />(Jdl^F.1Cf.°.. ~~~Qy21^ d~ SO "I tl:?l Ccl'~;t'~.' ~~(id.t f1P, ':'lQU~ C.~. ~JE? P01110V1 flC~ d. L'I Il Sflf'.(i <br />t;hat is currec~tly on tne ;?rop~rt;~. <br />The '?lanner repor~t2d ~Cl~iat i~r. 'io,yei° ~nrou1d have ~to rr!aintain six <br />fBPl`. l)Bi¢J;'Qp L{lr' Qdl"dO8 l11(~ ~~l(? S~'1^(C. <br />Counci1 f^l~C that ~trie 3~.iildirig InspE~ctor stio~~ilci assist: Ulr. !~3~yer <br />i n determi ni ng ttie prr~c~er sethad<s fnr Y.he sher,(. <br />7'si2re vras no one froe~ the'ienc~ +~iisning to sn~a'< on ~t~i, ~nat~ter. <br />i~1r. Blesen2r introc(uced the iollowing resolu~tion an~f moved its adoption: <br />R~SO~UTIOf~i 1~~10. £,f;_li,-4`i3 - CI OSI?-1G 7{i~. <br />~I~i:i~_T~ ~~`..I~Pj~~i ~~':I ri.~`. ii~1~S~:~~T l~1`~i-.i? (~!_!~~I~iT <br />~=0^ !;(~ii~ITIQ !/'~_ US.F, n:~>^:.ST 1'0 "`1;°i,'f?UC'i t1 <br />Sr.,r,r1i.ID P,SCfiSSORY !l!JII_pT'~i; <br />T4iF~ forc~oinq r~soli.i~ion i~,as duly serond~d hy ~?~Is. i~lardirii. <br />~~/@S ~~>~ 13~c^.S.P,fI-CP~ '~~di"C~liil9 ~O~~OViI~ SCd~ZL~ ~ltiC~/. <br />i~idJs (0}. <br />;ion de<;larcr.! atlopted. <br />'(his reso1i.~tiori a~>pears in 'tF~solu'tion Boo'~< 1-l0. 15, pacie 'i2~. <br />P~'r. !;~l -~s^ner 'i ntroduced the fol 1 o~.~i ng rc~sol ~i1;i on t~nc roovetl i ts adopti ~n: <br />?rSDI~UTTDiI „ir). ;?~-10~q>n,. _ I`•,Pr~{>!l~/Ii;~ TI!!i <br />i.q'IDiI'7~;~d~l_ US, ?~!,P^iT "~iQUFSTt.".D ?Y ''.R. <br />2'r"T !'OYi:~ FOP p, SF..~Qi;t) ,4CC?~S i0?Y !~11SLDIC.Ir <br />0_>,_.. <br />Pac~e -5- <br />