<br />City Council
<br />OC't. i2, 19"Ei
<br />Robert COi•!iilTln?,IED T4.ik1T 7Nt:. [3UXlDii~tG 3F;
<br />°!o~~t~r SFT !+I7I?Ii~ °I?nPFR S~TRP,CKS F~S ~r~P«r;n~/1=D
<br />Skied (Co~n~..) ~;Y 7l~I~~ f~UTI_DtI~IG TiJ$P='CT~2, AI~1C) THr~T TI~IE
<br />~3UJ~.~~~jlr r;r 0~ 11,(;rf~ '`~J~L~~: ~~~i_ ~i ISr~t~~~~
<br />G~?",G~ ~1i~i[) TN:~tT 7~~~`. +:%IST:fi~G TL~,t SFIEU
<br />~3~ >~G;'i'i(1~;,~~
<br />T4~e rorer,oing reso1iit'ion w<~s duly s^rondeu b~/ ?~",s. Plardini.
<br />~~%iS i[>~ ii~£`S^Yit'1"~ ~`~dl"C~ln"j y~,i)~~OVc ~$f<7~~7_E'.~ i-i1t1PV.
<br />iJays (~1).
<br />?~~sol u~t~i on decl ar2~'~ adoiat~d.
<br />T~~~i s res>ol ~.~ti on ,ppaars i n!?esol i.iti o~n 300!: i~!o. 15, Paro-~ 5,'..9.
<br />T~~~i n L~1!<~ !9r. ?~1 ai n~ F:d~~a~~ndsor~i Pias r=~Gi.iesf'.~~<i ~~i.~nri 1 approval o~f thc:~ fi nal
<br />chores ?r~~? nlat for T4~riti La!<e SPior~s S~corir.! A<<<!it'i~n.
<br />nda; ci or,
<br />~1 !1d~ P~ d"1: TYl@ ~'I "ty L[lcJ'i Yl@f'Y' Y'E'~~OY'"r~C~ Lhd$ '~:f1E' U7 d1; "i S 1 Cl Ol"G[-?'f t,!1 ~~;(1 ~Y'OD2Y'
<br /> road d,adi c~it~i ons i~ei nn r~adr
<br />ho~,~ ev2r
<br />reconmien<i~d that drai riagr,
<br />Anenda :~as^~.ients ,
<br />he inrreasedfro~~~. five ,
<br />f~et to six Feet>
<br />Ttet:l i':o. 7
<br />P~lrs. Scal ze i ri'crodi.ic~ci ~tne fol 1 o.vi iin, resol uti on and ~riovzao 'i t~ a<:"o;~~i on:
<br />~;F,>01...'ilTIO':~ ;l0. °Fi-10-n>(i - :AppRO\~I`IG TIII~
<br />FII!l\~ PL":7 pF TFI: T`,-?I"d I.r1KE S!~~~'.~S iF.CpP.1D
<br />;~,'1P,I'C:f011 ?r~n~lI~"D T'!,4T' T'I" I S41F: i'OOT DRrMT 1n.Gl'
<br />~ qi(;1~i'7S i~,2r r'~n ~G!i" 'f0 SIX F007 ~l\S'"i'+_':!T~
<br />liN~ SU'';JFCT TO TNf r\PP!?.OVP,i_ OP TH~ CITY ATTOR~If:Y
<br />7hF~ ~Porenoinn r~solu~i;ion vtas ci~.il?/ s2cont(ed by P~",s. ~~!ar~lini.
<br />~,~/P.5 ~5~ ~C2l~Z@~ ~~ldi"C~lt?1~ ~i~f,'S8Y1.°.Y'~ ~O~~OVI~ ~'d~12,~/.
<br />t,lay$ ~C~.
<br />Resolttti~m ci~clared adoi'~'Lecl.
<br />~~i1lS Y'BSO~I~I~;lOYI <~C)})(.'~iY'5 lYl %~@SO~U~~:1011 o901C 1.10. ~59 ~d~l('. ~~~.
<br />~' ~'~ i- i~~ir. Dave i_a~vso~n, a~,~:orney ;^eprr.-~s~~n~:ine ~ee '~t~ger~i~; of (~~ ~`, L
<br />:,ons9:riac~tion Construc~tion, a.~~~~eareci b~~fi~ore tn~> ~ou.r~c41 anei i~eport^<I tha1: P,IS.
<br />~
<br />Coni;racter s;~uren~t +;~a.s c.aller_t o~.+t-o~F-t«+~~rri on a fa~~iily e~~;erqPncy ~inc could
<br />Licr~ns~ not attend coninYi~t's r.~~et:i~nq. Lawson reqi.~r~s~~~d 4:ha.~t Cf~e ;na~tter
<br />`),'2 1`,d~)~ 8(~ '~01" '(:S'(0 418g~<S $n "I;~~'1dL ~~~5. T~ilf.lE?tl C COi17 CI ~)£~ r)i"c^i^)lt;,
<br />~~~~C'(IC'7 ,. .
<br />~T~t,~~,~ ISo. 8 TYie C~i ~;y iati;orn~,Y s~!gaes~f;ec; tha'l: ~P;h~ ~o~inci 1 1~i s~tcn ~t~ ~Ch2
<br />tE~tsi:i;;~ozi,y a.~ tonicf~~~'s ;!aeetinci, r~.nd, I~iop2fu'lly, ti~2 !;~ati;~r r.oulcl.
<br />bn resolved ~~rior t~ the next Couricil r;e^t'inct.
<br />tni^. ~_l4{SOtI r~11(~ :`"iY'. I20!'!£lYl TIIIE`S~~~OY'£'.;l't?Y7 7"OY' !' i'~ ~, r0Y1S~;l"IdCj:~10f1a
<br />r^q~.~ssi.ect ~'~ia't tr~e ,tat~t;er be oostn~ned itnti~I la~ter ~iri t'~e rneetiiir~
<br />so ~ hat ~i;hey n;i rht nave an opportuni ty ~Co corifer.
<br />°ac~ _~_
<br />