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f~lIiJl1T.F.S <br />City Counci'I <br />P~ov. 26, 198fi <br />Imp, i,lo. ?'iayor Fahey opened the nublic hearing on Improvement h.!o. ~5-1°, <br />85-1~ the iitmrovement of Allen l~venue froin Ontario Road to Greenbrier <br />Street by sanitary sewer, water, street, curb and nutter, storm <br />Aqenda sekJer. Fahey pointed. out the En~ineer's feasibi1ity reporY, dated <br />Item M1lo. 5 Tlovember 7, 19~35 estimating the cost of the irnoroveinent at ~38,3E3N. <br />7he Engineer is also recoramendinq that due ~o the high cost of the <br />improvement and the few properties to assess tne cost ag<iinst, that <br />the ~ity contrit~i.~te part of the cost of the improvement. <br />~ correction 0 General Public <br />Res.86-12-528 ~.,~1y~r Fahey aSked if an,yone from the-at~~i-enee wished to be heard <br />on this inatter. <br />Don Tarnowski, property owner abutting ~llen, r~norted that if <br />1111en street hecomes a reality, his lot would become a corner <br />lot ancf he would not have cnounh square footage to be able to <br />subdivide the propert,y and meet Code req~airements. Tarriowski also <br />pointed out that he f~aid assessments for Greenbrier and does not <br />feel his property should be assessed again. <br />Mr. Blesener informed Tarnowski ~hat the right-of-way for Al1en <br />Ftvenue is f>6 feet. Current City ordinance requires a Ei0 fioot right- <br />of-~iay for resictential str~ets and t'ne !:ngineer is recommending that <br />5 feet of the nllen /lvenue right-of-+.-ray be var.ated, which u•~ou1d give <br />Tarno~•~si<i enough square footage to divide his property and roeet Code <br />renuirements. <br />Idardini as!<ed ~;~hy the ~ity does not vacate 16 feet of right-of-way to <br />bring the right-of-k~~ay for A11en Avenue doVrn to 50 feet. <br />The Engineer stated that at this ooint. he is not sure hoev the <br />various sections of A11en /lvenue will line up, and there is adequate <br />room to make sure they do if only 5 feet ~rere vacated. <br />f=ahey asl<ed if the lots south of proposed Allen llvenue had adec~uate <br />square footage to be able to divide. The ~ngineer replied that the,y <br />did. <br />P1r. Tarnoais4;i indicatecl that ne felt that the Cit,y is th~ only one <br />I~enefiting frorn this section of Allen l~venue, and therefore, should <br />picl< up the r,ost of the street. <br />Fatiey aqreed that the City vaill benefit, but pointeci out that Tarnowski <br />would benefit as ~~e11, as he could divide his property. <br />7arnov~ski asked i f he i s assessed for !ll l en Avenue, i f thc Ci ty ~•ro~il d <br />clcfer the assessment for the improvement until the tirne that Yie dividr_+s <br />his property. <br />ftlcsener pointed nut that interest accrues on deferred assessmenY,s <br />Paqe -2- <br />