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MINUTFS <br />City Council <br />Plovember 26, 1 ~3~36 <br />Imp. P•!o. Tarno~iski stated thai; this clid not bother him, and that he ~riou1cl still <br />~6-1€i like the assessment deferred. <br />(Cont.) <br />Fahey felt that this 4ras a matter to be considered at the assessment <br />hearing, hosaever, Fahey d9d not fee1 thFtt th~ City should defer <br />assessments unless there vdere un~asual circumstances for doing so. <br />[~lesener poin~ed out that if the City defers Mr. Tarnovrski's assessment, <br />the City ~;~ill get se~ieral similar reqiaests. <br />Tarnosis!ci stated that he has already paicf for street, ses~aer and <br />water and did not feel he should have to pay ae~ain if he will <br />not use these imqrovements. <br />Fahe,y pointed out that ti~ihen Tarnoe~is'<i hought his property, he saas <br />aware that the property abutted proposed 1411en Avenue. <br />TarnoE~iski agreed that this titas true, ho4~iever, pointed out that ovar <br />the past several years he has requested that the street be vacated. <br />Scalze po~nted out that the City cannot vacate streets until proF~ert,y <br />is develoned. <br />Tarnowsi<i stated that he accepts the fact tYia't Allen Av~nue +~till go <br />through, hut h~ does not accept the fact that he ~~iilt be assrssed <br />for it. Tarnowski felt that the developers of Sylvan Street should <br />pay for the assessments for Allen nvenue. <br />Scalze asked ~aho ~•aoulc( p1y the assessrnents for the portion of Flllen <br />~venue that cannot be ass~ssecl. <br />The Enqineer replied that he is recommending that the City pick up <br />these assessments. <br />Scalze felt thit the c(evelopers of Sylvan should share in the cost. <br />It was pointed out that tne 5ylvan dnve1opers are pu'tting in their <br />ov,m improverient, and Al l en Avenue improvement iias been i rii ti ated <br />on the part of the C~ty, <br />Fahey felt that Allen ~venue should have been inc1uded in the total <br />prolect. <br />The Enqineer pointed. out that if the C,ity had piat in the in?provements, <br />then the City ~•?ou1d have been financing th~ rJeveloper< The Engineer <br />pointed. out that this has not been past City policy. <br />M~arcel Fit~ensteiner, one of the cfev~lopers of Sylvan Stre2t, indicated <br />that he s~ould be ~,ailling to nick up the assessments for that por~ion <br />of Allen Avenue noi: assessable to a property ot•mer ori the street. <br />Ilo~;,iever, the improvernent of Allen llvenue from f_,reenbrier 'to Sylvan <br />adould remain a CiLy project. <br />Page -3- <br />