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12-03-86 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
12-03-86 Council Minutes
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;9II~IUPES f)F THE !~!ORKSHOf> ~1FFrING <br />CITY COUPICIL <br />I_ITT~F CA~IAp,q, `qIn1NrSOTl1 <br />Qecem4er 3, 19~6 <br />Piirsuant to due call antl no'tice t'~ereof a Niorltsho[~ meetinq of tne <br />C,ouncil of the City of Little Canada, P^innesota aa~s held on the <br />3rtl day o~f December, 193f> in the Council Charobers of the Citp <br />Center located a~ 515 1.4~:t1e Canada Road in said City. <br />Acting P9ayor [;everly Scalze chaired the meetin<~ <br />order at 7:05 P.~,~', and the follouina memb~rs of <br />present at roll call: <br />P9FP~f3F_RS PRESE+.`-!T: t~ayor P~1r. <br />Counr.ilman Mr. <br />Councilman ~ir. <br />Counr,i1~raoman Pns. <br />Councilwoman ~~rs <br />and called it to <br />the Cotancil e~ere <br />~~ichael f'ahey (arrived 7:10) <br />t!i 11 i am r31 esener <br />Ri r,!< Col l ova <br />Nlugs h~ardini <br />Beverly Scalze <br />ALSn PRFSEhJT: City C1erk "]r. Joseph Ch1eber,k <br />City °lanner Mr. t~avid I.icPit <br />Cnuncilman-~lect P?r. James I_aValle <br />Recording Secretar,y h?rs. I<athleen Glanzer <br />fiitildin7 Tnspector P1r. John ~alacio <br />Zoninn Acting !~(ayor Scalze nointed out that the ~urpose of toni~ht's ~~~or!<shou <br />Code mee2ing is to revie~~i the loninq Code. Scalze rc~nort~d that there <br />ftevieG•r have b~en sugqestions fbr rFVis9on of Y,he Code anci these suc~Gestions <br />~,~i 11 bFa di scussed. <br />Scala..e reported that «nder the portion of the ~ode listing comm~rsial <br />recreation uses, she<; like to see the follos~~inca uses eliroinatecf: <br />tramnoline cen4;ers, fire arms ranc!es, cart tracks, ~ump centers and <br />pool halls. <br />Coi.incil discusseci these uses, and it adas the concensus of the Co~ancil <br />that cart trac!<s and ji~imp centers shoi-i1d be elim~nated. <br />^1r. glesener ~Felt that pool hall should reina~in as a commerc.ial use, <br />hotidever, shoi.ild b~ loc~~ted in a strip cenf,4r where a pool hall vaould <br />have its osvn oi.itcloor acCess. <br />~ahey sur~qested that a pool hill bc~ made a conditional use, and then <br />Coianci 1~troiil d have control . <br />7he Planner suct~~)~st~d that the Co~mcil could place a restriction in <br />the Code requ~ring pool halls to be a certain ar~iount of feet from <br />residential areas. <br />Cnuncil discussed the pool hall use and ~~ihether or not it was a <br />rlesirable one. Coi.mcil also discussed t;he far.t that there was <br />recently a request ta a~ool hall in the P1arketplace an<! the <br />other busi n~sses i n tYie shoppi ng center 4~ere vehemently a~1ai nst <br />the nool hall. <br />Page -1- <br />
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