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12-03-86 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
12-03-86 Council Minutes
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P7TPIUTES <br />C1tV ~~Ol1YtC11 <br />[~ec. 3, 19HS <br />7onina C.ouncil f~lt that ifi there is a r~quest for a pool ha11 in a <br />Code sho~ping r.enter, ~the shopping cerrter i~tself wo ulc? cons~~ier Fvhether <br />Revietiā¢~ or not t his use woii1cl be a detriment to other businesses in the <br />(Cont.) c2nter. <br /> The City Clerk pointed out that ther~ are other uses in the City <br /> such as hars or bo~;fling allevs that have pool taf~les. <br /> Counci1 fel~ th~f, thr-, ord9nance coi-ild sY,at~ ti specific m~rnher of <br /> tables t hat ~dould h~ re~uired for nool halls. <br />The Planner pointeci o~~t that in these businesses, G~ool is an ~cce,soryy <br />use to t.he business. <br />It aaas the conc~nsus of the Couricil to retain ti~e pool hall use <br />as a conditi~nal use and eaith thr_ restrictions that the pool hail <br />~r~oul d have to have i ts o~vn autcl~or access i f i ocated i n a si;ri ~ <br />shopping center as v~e11 as thai; ~;he pool ha11 coulc~ not b~ iocated <br />~~~ithin a certain n~unber of feet from residential pro~erty. A pool <br />hall would also reqiaire a cond9tional use permit. <br />It 4YclS the COYICP.iISUS of the Council that trampoline center should <br />be eliininated from the 7onina Code as a conim~rcial use. <br />Dlext Council discuss^d fire arms ranges. Tii~ felt that <br />fire arms ranges or archery ranqes should be retained as commercial <br />uses as long as they .~rere indoor ranges. <br />The Planner su~gested that the phr~se "and similar uses" be eliminated <br />from the comrnercia1 recreation use nortion of the r~de, r~ian~i~ <br />agree<f wiith this recommendation, <br />f,ollova suggestetl that bingo shoultl be listed as a commercial <br />recreation use. <br />Counci1 discussed this suc~gesl:ion and felt that bingo shou1d he <br />considered a conditional use as 4~001 halls. <br />The Planner indicated that he saould put: tonether the n^r,essary <br />amen~i~nent to t~.'ne Cnde to accomplish this. <br />Mr. Bl esener expressed conr,ern ~~~i ~Ch f;he aceess~ry bi.ii 1 cti ny 4~orti on <br />of the ortlinance. ~ilesr:.ner pointed out that the ordinance does not <br />a11os~ accessory huildinels in a required side Y1rd or rear ye~rrl, <br />ho~rever, accessory uses can he located in the sitle yard or rear yeard. <br />This is true of the required front yard as ~ar~ll. ~3lesener questioned <br />the difference bett~aeen an accessr~ry huildinn and an accessor~~ i,ise, <br />such ~s a swimming poo'I. <br />Council discussed a request it consitl~red for a sv~imming pool on <br />Dianna Lane. Ttie nroperty oti~mer requeste<l authorization to p1ace <br />~aqe -2- <br />
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