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12-03-86 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
12-03-86 Council Minutes
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MIMUTFS <br />f,ity Council <br />December 3, 19£;6 <br />Zoning The Plann~r s~aqciested that Yie and the f3u'ilding Inspector research <br />Code Revieo-r past Cit,y records ancl th~y ~iill make a recommenclation to the Council <br />(Cont.) on this partion of the ordinanr.e. <br />Ser.tion 907.040.11. (R-3 Distrirt) - Council agreed ~:vith the <br />recommendations of the !?uilding Insp~ctor an<! City Planner. <br />Ser,tion 909.040.C - Council anreed F~ith the Planner that Che current <br />viording of the ~rdinance ti~as adequa'te. <br />Section 909.0~40.,.10 - Council anreed ti~ith the recommenda~ions of <br />the City Plann~r for this section of tne Ordinance. <br />Section 909.040.G.12 - Counci1 agreecl ~iith the rer,onnnendations o~f the <br />City Planner. <br />The City Planner repor'ced that he 4~ai11 prepare an or~'inance amendement <br />for Council rc~vies~ antl action at the second Council meetinca in Januar_y, <br />Dri v~way "1r. I31 esener renorteci tnat th2 CouriY,y requi r~s a dri ve~day permi t <br />°errnits ~Por c!riveFVays on Count,y streets that cross drainage easemen9:s. <br />The Cit:y Cler!~ reported hethouahtthere vtas a provision in City Cocie <br />reqiai ri ng ciri ve~;~ay permi Cs. The Cl er'r, reported that he +~oul d research <br />this and report back to the Co~.incil. <br />~rneraency Mr. Blesener re~>orted that the Public bdorks Sunerintendent h~s incHcateci <br />S~rvices tha~t h~ cloes not have time to adequa~tely serve ~s the C~t.y's Emergency <br />Director S~rv'ices Oire.r,tor, filesener sugc!ested that nerhaps someon~ in the <br />Position Fire Department ~,vould like to take over this ~~osition. <br />Council indir,ated that this ~•~ould be considered at tl~e next Council <br />meeting, and in the rieantime the Superintendent should nrepare a <br />r2port outlining th~ number of hours requ~ired to perform this fianction. <br />Blesener also pointecl out that some oP the aiages for this tiosition, <br />i f the Counci 1 deY,errni nes thai: i t s~i 11 pay a~•aage, d be reimbursed <br />through ~ederal fun<1s. <br />The Ci~y Clerk reported that he ~,aill determine this amount ~~nd <br />report to ~he ~ouncil. <br />7here beinn no furt'ner business, the workshop meeting was ad,iourned at <br />10:45 P.P1. <br />Respectfully submitte~#, <br />~ , . / <br />C /' ~~~Q. 2C/ v[~ ~~ <br />KatVil~en (;lanzer ~~~ <br />Recordinr~ Secretary <br />Page -7- <br />
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