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12-03-86 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
12-03-86 Council Minutes
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~?I?IUT!"S <br />City Council <br />Oec~mher 3, 1986 <br />Zonina Council noted that there are a fFU~ businesses ~,vithin the City in <br />Coc!e violation of this portion of the ordinance, namely Palmen rxcavating, <br />Reviek~ Richard Richartls, and Precis'ion I_andscaping. Council instructecl <br />(Cont.l th~ Code ~fficer to notify these b~isinesses of their violations. <br />Section 903.030.C.?. provides that terraces, steps, uncovered norches, <br />stoops or similar features can extend from the princinal structure to <br />a distance not less than five (5) feet from any lot linr. t~fter <br />discussion Council f~lt tYiat this ~fras permissible for side yard sethacks, <br />ho~;~ever, only stoops, windows or enerqy-effic9Pnt attache<) vestibu1es <br /> d he al l otifed to encroacYi 5 feet i nto t'ne requi red front yard. <br />setback. <br />Section 903.030.C.3, - Council agreed ~vith the Planner's and Ruilding <br />Inspector's suggestions r~9arding this sectron. <br />Sect9on 903.040.G, - Council aqreed 4vith ~the Planner's recommendation <br />regardin~ this section. <br />S~ction 903.050.D.7.b - Council agreed witti ~he Planner's recanmendation <br />far this se~tion. <br />Section 903.05Q.D.~?.j. - Council felt that the Ordinance shou1d rer.iain <br />as is regarc!ing circular drives. <br />Sect~on 9Q3,05Q.F.5. - The Counc.i1 agreed tYie ord.inance shoul~ be <br />ainenc(ed as recomrnended hy the l3uilding Ins~ector anci the f'lanner. <br />Section 903.050.f1.13 - Ordinance to reinain as is. <br />Section - Ordinance to be anend2d as recomniencted hy the <br />Planner. <br />Section 903.0!iO.H.?.5 - Council felt tl~iis porCion of the ordin~nce <br />shou1d he deleted. <br />Section 9C~3.050.F.~i -~rdinance to be amended as recommended by t:he <br />('1 anner. <br />Section 903.110.C,7. - f,ouncil felt t:hat this portion of the ordinance <br />should be deleted. <br />Section 903.i10.c.5.b. - Council agr~ed with the Pla.nner's s~aq9estion <br />that the phrase "shall be required for the entire compl~x" should be <br />inser2ed in the ordinance. <br />Section 905.050.C.2. -(;punCil discussed this portion of the Code <br />~,~iS~ich stated that lots nlatted and developeci prior to the effective <br />date of this Ordinance or for 4?hic'n a hi.ii1ding permit has been <br />issued shall have side yards no less i;han five feet. ColanCil <br />disc~issed if ~this ~rras the Cit,y's intent to a11ow one fi~ie foot~ <br />side yard. setback for lots glatled and dev~loped prior to 1979. <br />Paqe -G- <br />
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