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RESOLUTIO~IS <br />City Council <br />Jan. 27, 1988 <br />Paving Of <br />Par~ki ng <br />Lots (Cont.) <br />Fritze <br />CUP <br />Amendment <br />,4genda <br />Item ~lo. 7 <br />The for~egoing r~esolution was duly seconded by Mr~. Collova. <br />Ayes (4) Blesener•, Collova, Scalze, Fahey. <br />Nays (1) LaValle. <br />Resolution declar•ed adopted. <br />This r~esolution appear•s in Resolution Book No. 19, Page 24. <br />Fahey r•epor•ted that Mr•. Warr~en Fr~itze, 2573 Spr~uce Str~eet, has r•equested <br />that his conditional use per~mit for~ a second accessor~y building be <br />amended to that he can place the building on the nor•thwest cor~ner• of <br />his pr~operty. This placement is now possible without need for a variance <br />as the City r~ecently vacated Lake Str•eet adjacent to the Fr•itze <br />nor•th pr~oper•ty 1 i ne. <br />Dlesener• pointed out that ther•e ar~e two dr•iveways on the Fr•itze pr~oper•ty <br />and Code only allows one. Blesener~ suggested that any appr•oval of the <br />CUP amendment be subject to r•emoval of the nor•ther•n-most dr•iveway. <br />Fahey pointed out that the Planning Commission has r•ecommended appr~oval <br />of the CUP amendment subject to the r•ecommendations of the City Planner~ <br />as contained in his Septembev 28, 1987 report. <br />Scalze pointed out that the Planning Commission r•equested that the <br />second gar~age not be used for~ commer•cial pur~poses and asked how the <br />City can ensur~e that the building is not used for~ commer•cial pur~poses. <br />Scal ze poi nted out that Mr•. Fr~i tze i ntends to r~estor•e vi ntage car•s i n <br />this building, and she wanted to ensur~e that the sale of car•s fr~om this <br />location did not get out-of-hand. <br />Blesener• noted that Mr•. Fr~itze indicated that the r•estor•ation of car•s <br />was his hobby and the Planner~ has indicated in his repor~t that commer•cial <br />use of this building is not per~mitted. <br />Mr~. Fahey intr•oduced the following r•esolution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 88-1-25 - AMENDING THE FRITZE <br />CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR SECOND ACCESSORY <br />BUILDING APPROVING THE NEI~! LOCATIOM OF THAT <br />6UILDING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE FRITZE <br />PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THE EXISTING PAVING BEING <br />RE~40VED FROM THE NORTHERN-MOST DRIVEWAY, AND <br />SUBJECT TO THE RECOMMENDATIO~IS OF THE CITY PLANNER <br />AS CONTAINED IN HIS REPORT DATFD SEPTED1f3ER 28, 1987 <br />Ayes (5) Fahey, Collova, Scalze, Blesener~, LaValle. <br />Nays (0). <br />Resolution declar~ed adopted. <br />This resolution appear•s in Resolution Book No. 19, Pages 25 and 26. <br />The for~egoing r~esolution was duly seconded by Mr~. Collova. <br />Page -5- <br />