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02-10-88 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
02-10-88 Council Minutes
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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />Feb. 10, 1988 <br />Letter~ Of The Ci ty Engi neer• r•epor~ted that the Ci ty i s bei ng r~equested to <br />Cr•edi t r•educe the amount of the 1 etter• of cr~edi t on the Sofi e/Peter~son <br />Sophie/ addition from $35,000 to $15,000. The City Engineer• r•epor•ted that <br />Peter•son the wor•k has been completed and he r•ecommended appr~oval of the <br />Addition r•eduction. <br />Agenda The City Cler~k pointed out that the street has not been accepted by <br />Item No. 7 the City and recommended that the letter• of cr•edit not be r•educed <br />until the str•eet is accepted. <br />The City Engineer suggested that he discuss this matter• with his <br />staff and r~epor•t at the next Council meeting. <br />Centerville The City Attorney reported that Jerry Butler, representing AIC Corporation, <br />Road has indicated that he would like $29,655 per~ acr~e for~ their• pr~oper•ty in <br />Pr•oper•ty & the Center•ville Road Flr•ea. <br />Fasciana <br />Option The Attor•ney also r•epor~ted that Dave Fr•attalone has submitted a letter• <br />Agr•eement which indicates that he has had his pr•oper•ty appr•aised for• appr•oximately <br />$29,000 per~ acr•e and that is what he would like for the pr~oper~ty plus <br />tigenda the appr•aised value of his buildings. <br />Item No. 8 <br />The Attorney further indicated that the f3ibeau's have requested a <br />pr•ice for• their• pr~oper~ty equal to that r•eceived by the other• pr•oper~ty <br />owner~s in the Center•ville Road ar•ea. <br />The Attor~ney r~epor~ted that with r•egar~d to the option agr•eement submitted <br />to the Fasciana family for~ their• pr•oper~ty, the Fasciana's ar•e r•equesting <br />that a R1,400 defer~red assessment, plus interest, on their property be <br />abated. They ar•e al so r~equesti ng that they wi 11 sel 1 thei r~ pr•oper•ty <br />to the Ci ty at whatever• pr•ice i s negoti ated for• the remai nder~ of the <br />pr•oper•ty that the Ci ty acqui r•es i n thi s ar•ea. <br />LaValle reported that it is his understanding that the Quality <br />f3lacktop property owners do not have fee title to their land. <br />The City Attor~ney r~eplied that he is assuming that Quality Blacktop <br />can deliver• title to the City, and he does not an±icipate any <br />problems. <br />Sweeney suggested that the Council appr~ove the changes to the Fasciana <br />option agreement which he outlined. The Attor•ney then suggested that <br />the Council go into closed session following the meeting to discuss <br />possible condemnation pr•oceedings in the Center•ville Road area. <br />Scalze pointed out that all the pr•oper•ty owner•s involved want to <br />sell their property, the problem is establishing a price for the <br />property. <br />The City Cler•k pointed out that the defer•r•ed assessment on the <br />Page -5- <br />
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