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P~INUTES OF THE WORKSHOP MEETIMf <br />CITY COUNCIL <br />LITTLF CANADFl, MINNESOTA <br />February 10, 1988 <br />Pur~suant to due call and notice ther•eof a wor•kshop meetinq of the <br />Council of the City of Little Canada, Plinnesota was held on the <br />lOth day of Febr~uar~y, 1988 in the Council Chamber•s of the City <br />Center located at 515 Little Canada Road in said City. <br />Acting Mayor• Bever•ly Scalze chair•ed the meeting and ca1led it to <br />or•der• at 6:30 P.M. and the following member•s of the Council were <br />present at r•oll call: <br />MEMaERS PRESENT: Acting P1ayor~ Mrs. Bever•ly Scalze <br />Councilman Mr. Bill Blesener <br />Councilman P9r. Rick Collova <br />Councilman P1r. Jim LaValle <br />MEPIBERS FlBSE~IT: Mayor~ <br />ALSO PRESENT: City Cler•k <br />correction Park Commission -~}..~}.~}1~Ylg--~OIF1ItF~iSS1~~OF}---P12Itlb@~K' <br />res 88-2-57 Pa~k• <br />r~ark com~nission _p~-a~rninc~ Gomm#ssion Memtrer• <br />Park comm~ss~on.._~}~flni rr~i--6omroi sst on -Member~ <br />Recor~di ng Secr•etar•y <br />Mr•. Michael Fahey <br />Mr. Joseph Chlebeck <br />Mr•s. Elaine Zoch <br />Mr. Bill Sanders <br />P1r. Ken Wehrl e <br />Mr. Jim Morelan <br />Mr•s. Kathl een Gl anzer~ <br />Par~k Scal ze r•epor~ted that the pur•pose of toni ght' s meeti ng i s to r•eview <br />Sur•vey the r•evised question/topic list put together• by Decision Resour~ces <br />for the City's upcoming park survey which is a result of Park <br />Commission and Council r•eview and input. <br />Scalze r~epor•ted that she has discussed the topic list with the F1ayor~ <br />who expr~essed concer•n with the questions concer~ning Capital View, <br />Kellogg and Gervais f~each. Scalze stated that she and the Mayor have <br />questioned the need for• these questions in light of recent School <br />District actions to sell the Capital View building. <br />Col l ova agr~eed. <br />alesener• felt that questions 10, 7_0, 23 and 35 wer•e double questions <br />that wer•e asked by other• questions in the sur~vey. <br />Bill Mor~r•is, Decision Resour•ces, agr•eed the facilities question was <br />r~edundant, but felt the activities questions should r~emain. <br />Scalze felt question 10 should be eliminated and inser~ted after~ question <br />17. <br />Collova suggested that the sur•veyer~s should ask people if they have <br />the time to do the sur•vey when they ar~e called. <br />Traxler, Decision Resources, felt that if such a question were asked, <br />ever•yone would r•espond that they did not have the time and it would be <br />difficult to get r~espondents. <br />Page -1- <br />