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03-10-88 Council Workshop Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
03-10-88 Council Workshop Minutes
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MINUTES OF THE tJORKSHOP MEETING <br />CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION <br />LITTLE CANADA, MINNESOTA <br />Mar•ch 10, 1988 <br />Pur•suant to due call and notice ther•eof a wor~kshop meeting of the <br />Planning Commission and City Council of the City of Little Canada, <br />Minnesota was held on the lOth day of Mar•ch, 1988 in the Council <br />Chamber•s of the City Center~ located at 515 Little Canada Road in <br />said City. <br />Mayor Michael Fahey called the meeting to order at 8:40 P.M. and <br />the following member•s wer~e pr•esent at r~oll call: <br />MEMBERS PRESENT <br />Mayor• <br />Councilwoman <br />Mr•. Michael Fahey <br />Mr~s. Bever•ly Scalze <br />MEMBERS ABSENT: <br />Councilman <br />Councilman <br />Councilman <br />PLANNI~IG COMMISSION MEMRERS PRESENT: <br />COP1MISSION P9EMfiERS A6SE~IT: <br />ALSO PRESENT: City Cler•k <br />City Planner~ <br />Recording Secretary <br />Mr•. William Blesener~ <br />Mr. Rick Collova <br />Mr. Jim LaValle <br />Mr. Peter Costa, Chairman <br />Mr•. Bi 11 Davi son <br />Mr. Gene DeLonais <br />P1r. Art Herkenhoff <br />Mr•s. Peggy Schweizer• <br />P4r. Tom Perlinger <br />P1rs. Sharon Timmons <br />~9r. Joseph Chlebeck <br />P4r. Steve Grittman <br />Mrs. Kathleen Glanzer <br />Mayor~ Fahey r•epor•ted that the Ci ty i s cur~r•ently i n the pr~ocess of <br />consider~ing the City's par•ticipation in the cost of the addition <br />onto the Little Canada Elementar•y School. The School Distr•ict is <br />currently planning a 9 classroom addition with multi-purpose room, <br />and has asked if ther•e is inter•est in the par•t of the City to par•tici- <br />pate in the addition by including an adult shower~ facility, for~ example. <br />Another~ i ssue bei ng consi der•ed by the Ci ty i s whether~ or~ not there i s <br />inter~est or• need for• the City to r•etain the inside and/or• outside <br />r~ecr~eational facilities at the Capitol View site. The School ~istrict <br />has the pr•oper~ty on the mar•ket and has had an offer• from Globe Business <br />College for• the pur•chase of this facility. However~, in order• for• <br />Globe to locate at Capitol View, the pr•operty has to be either• r•ezoned <br />to B-3 PUD, or• the City has the option of expanding the definition of <br />Public zoning to include a school such as Globe. <br />Fahey r~epor•ted that the City Attor•ney has r~ecommended that by expanding <br />the definition of Public zoning, the City would r•etain mor•e contr•ol <br />over• the Capitol View property. If the property were rezoned to B-3 <br />PUD and Globe purchased the property, eventuall,y Globe could sell the <br />pr~oper•ty, and the City would have no say in who occupied the building <br />as 1 ong as zoni ng r•equi r•ements wer~e met. <br />Page -1- <br />
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