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03-23-88 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
03-23-88 Council Minutes
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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />f1arch 23, 1988 <br />Savage The City Engineer• r~eplied that at the time the City put the dr•ain in, <br />Lake (Cont.) the DNR was not in existence. The Engineer reported that the City is <br />aware that DNR approvals are required at this time. <br />The Engineer• stated that he would have some plans and estimates r•eady <br />for~ Council r•eview at its next meeting. A topogr~aphical sur•vey is <br />necessar•y as ther•e ar~e some low buildings that could be effected. <br />Chester~ r~epor~ted that the pr•oper•ty owner•s on Savage Lake ar•e not opposed <br />to having the lake r•aised. <br />Fahey stated that the City will act within the law if it changes the <br />level of the lake. <br />Blesener~ commented that the DNR may specify the lake level. <br />The City Engineer• agr~eed. <br />The Ci ty Engi neer~ stated that he wi 11 r~epor•t on thi s matter• fur~ther~ <br />at the next meeting. <br />Str•eet Mar•y Reiland appear•ed befor~e the Council and r•epor•ted that she is <br />Light building a home on Sylvan S~reet. Ther•e ar•e no str•eet linhts on the <br />Request str~eet, and Reiland r•equested that one be installed. <br />Agenda alesener• r•epor~ted that the City has a str•eet lighting policy which <br />Addition will be reviewed by the Public Works Superintendent, and appropriate <br />str•eet 1 i ghti ng wi 11 be or•der•ed for• Syl van. <br />Reiland asked the timing for• getting the str•eet light installed. <br />Council infor~med Reiland that NSP will be r•equested to install the <br />str•eet light, however•, NSP is usually quite busy in the Spr•ing and <br />it could take a few months before they get to the request. <br />Blesener~ suggested that the r~equest be made to NSP as soon as possible. <br />Recess At this point in the meeting, 9:05 P.M „ Council took a shor~t r~ecess. <br />The meeting was r~econvened at 9:13 P.M. <br />Payne Ave. The City Engineer• r•eported that Payne Avenue is in ver•y poor~ condition. <br />His office will be putting together~ some cost estimates for~ the <br />Agenda impr~ovement of the str~eet and suggested ways to finance an impr•ovement. <br />Item No. 16 These should be available for~ the next meeting. <br />Page -15- <br />
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