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03-23-88 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
03-23-88 Council Minutes
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PIINUTES <br />City Council <br />Mar•ch 23, 1988 <br />Akwright The City Engineer reported that there is a drainaqe problem on Akwright <br />Dr~ainage that needs to be r~esolved. The Engineer• stated that he would study the <br />Pr~oblem pr•oblem and br•ing in a r•ecommendation and cost estimates at the next <br /> meeting. <br />Agenda <br />Addition <br />LJatermain The City Engineer repor~ted that he has received some calls from people <br /> inter•ested in City water• on Keller~ Parkway. The Engineer• suggested that <br />Agenda due to the few ar~eas not water•ed in the City and the high costs of some <br />Addition of these impr•ovements, that any futur•e water~main impr~ovements should <br /> include the whole City. <br /> Fahey pointed out that a few year•s ago the City notified r•esidents <br /> without water~main to get petitions for• water~main impr~ovements in <br /> just because of the r•easons outlined by the Engineer•. Nowever~, ther~e <br /> was little inter•est. <br /> Fahey stated that he was not in favor~ of or•der•ing water~main wher~e people <br /> do not want it. <br />Blesener• pointed out that ther•e ar•e a couple of ways to bring water•main <br />to Kel l er~ Par~kway wi thout r•unni ng a water~mai n down the str~eet. al esener~ <br />pointed out that the Enqineer• pr•eviously pr~epar•ed a r~epor•t outlining <br />these possibilities and suggested that the Engineer~ submit this r~epor~t <br />to the Council once again. <br />Thunder• The City Engineer• submitted to the Council a contour~ map which he pr•epar•ed <br />Bay Par•k for• the Thunder• Bay Par•k ar~ea. <br />Area <br />Scalze r•equested that this map be submitted to Qill Sander~s of the <br />Par•k Commission. <br />Trails Scalze pointed out that there is a section of tr•ail to Payne Avenue that <br />should be r•ezoned to Public. The City has the easement, however~, the <br />Agenda tr•ail is not pr~oper~ly zoned. <br />Addition <br />Council discussed the necessity for~ r~ezoning tr~ails within the City, and <br />it was suggested that the City's Zoning Or•dinance be amended to allow <br />tr~ai 1 s as a per~mi tted use i n al l Zoni ng Di str~i cts. <br />Mr•. Blesener~ intr•oduced the followin9 r•esolution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 88-3-111 - INSTRUCTING THE <br />CITY PLANNER TO PREPARE A ZODIING ORDINANCE <br />AMENDP1EMT WHICH blILL ALLOW TRAILS IN ALL <br />ZONING CLASSIFICATIONS OF THE CITY <br />The for•egoing resolution was duly seconded by Mr•s. Scalze. <br />Ayes (4) Rlesener•, Scalze, Collova, Fahey. <br />~lays (0). Resolution declared adopted. <br />This r•esolution appear•s in Resolution Book No. 19, Page 115. <br />Page -16- <br />
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