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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />Mar~ch 23, 1988 <br />Electr•ical Fahey r~epor•ted that the Electr•ical Inspector~ is r•equesting the City <br />Permit increase its electrical inspection fees as outlined in Coun cil agendas. <br />Fees These r•ates have not been incr•eased for~ the past six year•s. The Cities <br /> of Shor•eview, Ar~den Hills and North St. Paul have r~ecently increased <br />Agenda their• electr~ical per•mit fees. <br />Item ~lo. 17 <br /> Mr•. Fahey intr•oduced the following r~esolution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 88-3-112 - APPROVING THE <br />ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEE INCREASES AS PROPOSE~ <br />BY TNE CITY'S ELECTRICAL I~lSPECTOR <br />The for~egoing r•esolution was duly seconded by Mr•. Collova. <br />Ayes (4) Fahey, Collova, Scalze, Blesener~. <br />Nays (0). <br />Resolution declar•ed adopted. <br />This r•esolution appear~s in Resolution Book No. 19, Page 116. <br />VJake The City Cler•k outlined the need for~ the County as well as the City of <br />Ordinance Maplewood to adopt a wake or•dinance in or•der• for• the I~lake Or•dinance <br />adopted by the City to be effective. <br />Agenda <br />Addition Blesener commented that he thought the City had submitted its Wake <br />Ordinance to the DNR for their review. <br />The City Cler•k asked if the Council felt the or•dinance should be r~eviewed <br />by the r~esi dents on Lake Ger~vai s. <br />Fahey suggested that the City Attor•ney and City Cler~k r•eview the <br />pr~ocedur•e necessar•y so that the City can have a Wake Or•dinance <br />in effect for• Lake Ger•vais, and, if necessar•y, a public hear•ing <br />should be scheduled for• review of the or~dinance and notices sent <br />to the pr~oper~ty owner~s on the lake. <br />Blesener• suggested the r•esidents also be sent a copy of the Or•dinance <br />along with the hearing notice. <br />Dave The City Attorney reported that he has discussed with Dave Frattalone <br />Fr~attalone the option agr•eement the City has submitted to him for• the pur•chase <br />Property of his property. There are two issues yet to be resolved before Mr. <br />Purchase Frattalone will sign the agreement. The first is that if there is <br /> damage to the buildings on the pr•oper•ty between the time the option <br />Agenda agr•eement is signed and the pr•oper•ty closed on, any damages would be <br />Item No. 12 pai d to Mlr~. Fr•attal one. The Ci ty Attor~ney r~epor~ted that he i nfor•med <br /> Mr•. Fr~attalone that he had no problem with this as it would be Mr~. <br /> Fr•attalone's r~esponsibility to keep insur•ance on the pr~oper•ty. <br /> The next i tem to be r~esol ved i s the ter•ms of the contr•act-for~-deed <br /> for pur•chase of the pr•operty. Two options ar•e being consider~ed. The <br />Page -17- <br />