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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />March 23, 1988 <br />Thunder• The for•egoing r~esolution was duly seconded by P1r•. i~lesener~. <br />Bay Park Ayes (4) Scalze, Blesener, Collova, Fahey. <br />Area Nays (0). <br />Rezoning Resolution declar•ed adopted. <br />This r•esolution appear•s in Resolution f3ook No. 19, Page 107. <br />Gar~dner• Fahey opened the Public Hear~ing to consider the application of Gar•dner~ <br />Bros. Bros. for~ preliminary plat and cancept PUD for their proper~ty located <br />Pr~eliminar~y on County Road D. <br />Plat & PUD <br />Fahey noted that the Planning Commission has r~ecommended appr•oval subject <br />Agenda to compliance with the conditions as outlined in the Planner~'s repor~t <br />Item No. 6 dated Mar~ch 7, 1988. <br />The City Planner• infor•med the Council that a PUD is being sought on this <br />proper•ty because the NSP power•line easement thr~ough the pr~oper~ty r•estr•icts <br />the buildable ar~ea of the pr•oper•ty. Also, the souther•n por•tion of the <br />pr•oper~ty abutts DeSoto, however~, the City is r~estr•icting commer•cial and <br />industr~ial tr~affic fr•om that str•eet. Ther•efor~e, the PUD allows the <br />Gar~dner~ Br•os. the utilization of the souther•n por~tion of i;heir• pr~oper~ty <br />with dr•iveway access thr~ough the par•king ar•ea pr~oposed on the site. <br />Fahey pointed out that the two buildinqs proposed along County Road D <br />have dir•ect r•oad fr•ontage. <br />The Planner~ r~eplied that this was cor•r~ect. The only building without <br />dir•ect r~oad fr•ontage is the mini-office/war~ehouse building on the <br />souther•n por•tion of the pr•oper•ty. <br />Dave Hel l er•, r•epr~esenti ng Gar•dner• Bros. , appear•ed befor~e the Counci 1 <br />and pr~esented the site plan for• the development of the pr•oper•ty. <br />Heller• descr•ibed the site plan which calls for~ two office buildings <br />along County Road D and mini-office/war•ehouse building on the souther•n <br />por•tion of the site. Gar~dner• Br~os. plans to constr•uct the office <br />building on the northwest cor•ner• of the site fir•st, with the office/ <br />war•ehouse building to be constr•ucted immediately after•. <br />The Planner• pointed out that the pr•oposal is to cr•eate separ•ate lots <br />for• each of the buildings. <br />Collova asked the pur~pose of this. <br />The Planner~ r~eplied that this would be beneficial for~ mor~tgage r•easons. <br />Ther~e is also the potential for• Tax Incr•ement Financing on the site, <br />and thi s woul d r~equi r•e separ~ate 1 ots for• each bui 1 di ng si nce the enti r~e <br />deve1opment will not be constr•ucted at one time. <br />Heller• r~epor•ted that Gar•dner• Br•os. would be locating their~ home office <br />in the nor•thwest office building, and ther~e would be additional space <br />within the building that would be leased. <br />Page -5- <br />