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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />Mar~ch 23, 19II8 <br />Gardner <br />Bros. (Cont <br />Blesener~ asked if the par~king as pr•oposed was adequate. <br />The Planner• r•eplied that it was slightly in excess of the City's par~kinq <br />requirements. <br />Fahey agr~eed that the PUD was appr•opr•iate in this instance since the <br />City has r~estr~icted access by industr~ial and commer~cial sites to <br />DeSoto. Without that restriction, the southern portion of the site <br />would have had r~oad access. <br />The Planner• noted that to avoid the PUD a public str•eet would have had <br />to be put thr•ough the site to access the souther•n portion of the site. <br />The r~oad would have used up land needed to meet par•king r•equir•ements, <br />and in all likelihood, the souther•n por•tion of the site would not have <br />been developed. <br />Scalze noted that without the PUD, the site would have had mor~e gr•een <br />space and less par•king ar•ea. <br />The Planner~ agr~eed, but this would have been because the mini-office/ <br />war~ehouse buildings could not have been constr•ucted. <br />Fahey pointed out that a par•k char•ge is r•equir•ed for• the PUD as has been <br />done with pr~evious PUDsappr~oved by the City. <br />Fahey asked if ther•e was anyone fr~om the public pr•esent wishing to <br />addr~ess this issue. Ther•e was not. <br />Mr~. Collova intr~oduced the following r•esolution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 88-3-104 - CLOSING THE <br />PUBLIC HEARING ON THE GARDNER BP.OS. <br />REQUEST FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD <br />The for~egoing r•esolution was duly seconded by Mr. Blesener~. <br />Ayes (4) Collova, Blesener•, Fahey, Scalze. <br />Nays (0). <br />Resolution declar•ed adopted. <br />This r•esolution appear~s in Resolution Book No. 19, Page 108. <br />Collova asked the Council's feeling for~ putting a maximum amount of time <br />that the existing house on the pr~oper•ty could be left up. <br />Council discussed the matter• and felt the house fit in well with the <br />ar•ea and ther•e would be no need to r•emove the house until the second <br />office building on County Road D is constr•ucted. <br />Fahey suggested, however•, that a pr•ovision be included in the PUD <br />Agr•eement giving the City the power~ to give r~easonable notice to the <br />developer to require the removal of the house. <br />Page -6- <br />