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03-23-88 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
03-23-88 Council Minutes
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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />Mar~ch 23, 1988 <br />Gar•dner• it was noted that Gar•dner• Br~os. was r~equired to dedicate 33 feet of <br />Br~os. (Cont.) r•oad r•ight-of-way for~ DeSoto. <br />Scalze r~eplied that this is r•equir•ed as part of the PUD Agr•eement and <br />does not impact on the par•k char•ge that Gar•dner f3r•os. will be r~equir•ed <br />to pay. <br />Fahey pointed out that developer~s have, in the past, wanted to dedicate <br />ponding ar•eas as par•t of their~ par•k charge, but this does not pr•ovide <br />the City with usable par•k land, or• the cash to pur~chase such par~k land. <br />Scalze r~epor•ted that the City's intent is to develop a nice par~k in the <br />ar•ea whi ch wi 11 be an ameni ty to the Gar•dner• Br•os. devel opment. <br />Theis Fahey reported that P~r. Tom Theis, owner of 644 East County Road D, has <br />Pr~oper•ty r•equested the di vi si on of hi s pr•oper•ty i nto two 1 ots. The P1 anni ng <br />Division Commission and City Planner• r~ecommend appr~oval of the division as it <br />meets all City Code r•equir•ements. <br />h1r•. Fahey intr~oduced the following r•esolution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 88-3-107 - APPROVING THF THEIS <br />PROPERTY DIVISION AS PRESENTED DIVIDING THE <br />PROPERTY AT 644 COUNTY ROAD D INTO TWO LOTS AS <br />THE PROPERTY DIVISI0~1 P9EETS ALL CITY CODE <br />REQUIREME~ITS <br />The for~egoing resolution was duly seconded by Mr•s. Scalze. <br />Ayes (4) Fahey, Scalze, Collova, Blesener. <br />Nays (0). <br />Resolution declar•ed adopted. <br />This r~esolution appear•s in Resolution Book No. 19, Page 111. <br />Gor•dy Scalze r~epor~ted that fr~om infor~mation in Council agendas it appear•s that <br />Howe the easement located to the nor•th of Lot 1, Block 1, Lakeview Estates <br />Dr•iveway can be used for~ r•oad pur~poses. <br />Request <br />Mr•. Gor•dy Howe appear~ed befor~e the Counci 1 and repor•ted that he woul d <br />Agenda like to br•ing the dr•iveway for~ Lot 1, Block 1, Lakeview Estates out <br />Item No. 8 the nor~th side of the lot and utilize the r•oad easement as well as <br />the Schletty dr~iveway easement. Howe repor•ted that he is cur~r•ently <br />negoti ati ng wi th Mr•. Schl etty for• the use of the dr•i veaiay. <br />Collova asked the feeling of the Council for requiring Mr. Howe to <br />enter~ into an agreement with the City stating that he would not be <br />opposed to the impr•ovement of a r•oad on the nor•th side of this lot. <br />P1r. Howe replied that he was willing to enter into such an agreement. <br />Page -8- <br />
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