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03-23-88 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
03-23-88 Council Minutes
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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />March 23, 1988 <br />Gor~dy Fahey pointed out that if it wer•e deemed that the proper~ty would be <br />Howe benefited by the r•oad, the pr~oper•ty would be assessed for• the impr•ovement. <br />Dr~i veway <br />Request Howe agr~eed that the proper~ty would be benefited by a r~oad impr~ovement. <br />(cont.) <br />The City Attor•ney stated that the City could enter• into an agr•eement <br />with Mr~. Howe that he would not object to any impr•ovement of the r•oad <br />on the nor•th side of the lot, but did not think the City could r~equir•e <br />an agr~eement stating that he would not object to any assessments for• <br />that r~oad. The City Attor•ney suggested that any agr•eement that is dr•awn <br />up be filed against the pr~oper•ty. <br />Fahey suggested that simply as a condition of appr•oval of the driveway, <br />Mr~. Howe agr~ee that he woul d be deemed i n favor~ of a r~oad impr•ovement <br />should one go in. This would then be available to subsequent councils <br />at the time a r•oad impr•ovement would be assessed. <br />Mr•. Fahey intr•oduced the following r~esolution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 88-3-108 - APPROVINf, THE <br />GORDY HOWE REQUEST FOR DRIVE4IAY ACCESS <br />TO THE CITY'S ROADWAY EASEPIENT FOR THE <br />PROPOSED RESIDE~ITIAL DWELLI~IG TO f3E <br />CONSTRUCTED ON LOT 1, 6LOCK 1, LAI<EVIEW <br />ESTATES SUBJECT TO SUBMISSION OF A <br />LETTER TO THE CITY CLERK ACK~IOt~ll_EDGIPlG THAT <br />MR. HOt~JE DOES NOT OBJECT TO Fl CITY STP,CET <br />BEIPIG IMPROVED ON THAT EASED9FNT APID THAT MR. <br />HO~~!E WILL ADVISE ANY SUBSEQUENT PURCHASER OF <br />THF PROPERTY OF THIS AGREEP'IENT <br />The for~egoing r•esolution was duly seconcled by Mr~. filesener~. <br />Ayes (4) Fahey, Blesener~, Scalze, Collova. <br />Nays (0). <br />P,esolution declared adopted. <br />This r~esolution appear~s in Resolution Book No. 19, Page 112. <br />Neamy Mr. 6ene Schultz appeared before the Council requesting that previous <br />Pr~oper•ty Council r~equir~ement for• r~emoval of 4.5 feet fr•om the Neamy gar•age be <br />Division r•escinded and that a building per•mit be allowed on Lot A. <br />Agenda Fahey explained that when the City pr•eviously acted on the pr~oper~ty <br />Item No. 9 division of the Neamy pr~oper•ty it was with the r•equir~ement that when <br />a building permit is issued for Lot A, that 4.5 feet of the ~leamy <br />gar•age be r~emoved so that the setback of the Neamy gar~age would meet <br />Code requirements. <br />Scalze explained that this was done as City Code does not allow a <br />pr•operty division that would r~esult in the need for a variance. The <br />City is not allowed to cr~eate a non-confor~ming lot. <br />Paqe -9- <br />
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