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MINUTES OF THE WORKSHOP MEETING <br />CITY COUNCIL <br />LITTLE CANADA, MINNESOTA <br />P~ar'ch 23, 1988 <br /> Pur•suant to due call and notice ther•eof a wor•kshop meeting of the <br /> City Council of the City of Little Canada, P9innesota was held on <br /> the 23rd day of March, 1988 in the Council Chambers of the City <br /> Center• located at 515 Little Canada Road in said City. <br /> Mayor~ Michael Fahey chair•ed the meeting and called it to or•der~ at <br /> 6:30 P.M. and the following member~s of the Council wer~e pr•esent at <br /> roll call: <br /> P1E~96ERS PRESENT: P9ayor P~r. P4ichael Fahey <br /> Councilman Mr•. Bill Blesener~ <br /> Councilman D9r•. Rick Collova <br /> Councilwoman Mrs. Bever~ly Scalze <br /> MEMBERS ADSENT: Councilman Mr~. Jim LaValle <br /> ALSO PRESENT: City Cler•k Mr•. Joseph Chlebeck <br /> Recording Secretary Mrs. Kathy Glanzer <br />Little Fahey r•epor•ted that the pur•pose of tonight's meeting is to discuss <br />Canada the r•esults of the special committee study of the issues of the Little <br />School Canada School expansion and possible City par•ticipation,and the <br />Expansion r•ecr~eational facilities at the Capitol View site. <br />& Capitol <br />View <br />Ken ldehrle, Chairman of the Park Commission, Chairman of the Recreation <br /> Committee, and landscape ar•chitect for~ the City of St. Paul Par•ks and <br /> Recr•eation Depar•tment, pr~esented the Council with the Mar~ch 21st <br /> r~epor•t of the Recr~eation Committee on the issues descr•ibed by Mayor• <br /> Fahey. blehrle reviewed these recommendations with the Council. <br /> Fahey asked if consider•ation has been given to the location of sewer• <br /> lines near• Spooner• Par~k in conjunction with the cost factor• of installinq <br /> bathr~oom facilities in the Par!;. <br /> Jim P1or•el an r~epl i^d tiia t tYier•e i s a sewer• 1 i ne on El i r•oad. <br /> Fahey asked for• an explanation of the Committee's feeling that bathr~oom <br /> facilities should be mor~e centr•ally located within Spooner• Par•k than <br /> in the school building. <br />P1or•el an poi nted out that i n or~der• to access bathr•oom faci 1 i ti es i n the <br />school buildinn, childr•en would have to cr•oss the par~king ar•ea and <br />dr~iveway located to the west of the school building. Mor•elan r~epor~ted <br />that the major• need for• bathr•oom facilities is hy picnicker•s in the <br />par~k and not fr•om bal l pl ayer•s. Ther~efor~e, the Commi ttee fel t that <br />bathr•oom facilities should be located near• the upper~ picnic shelter~, <br />with satellite toilets located near• ballfields. <br />Fahey noted that the addition to the west end of the school will br•inq <br />the building c1oser• to the ballfield ar•ea, and mor•e easily accessible. <br />Page -1- <br />