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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />Apr•il 13, 1988 <br />Frattalone The City A~,tao~na~ reported that he also has signed option agreements <br />Opti on * for~ the ~-rt~eau• pr~~per•ty and the Qual i ty Bl acktop pr•oper~ty. The Attor•ney <br />Agr~eement anti ci pated opti on agr~eements for• the Bi beau and Butl er• pr•oper~ti es <br />(Cont.) shor•tly. <br />Mrs. Scalze intr~oduced the following r•esolution and moved its adoption: <br />>'~ Correction <br />Res. no. RESOLUTIOPJ N0. 88-4-137 - AUTHORIZING THE <br />88-4-~51 MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN THE OPTION <br />AGREEMEMT FOR THE DAVE FRATTALONE PROPERTY <br />AS SUBMITTED QY THE CITY ATTORNEY <br />The for~egoing resolution was duly seconded by Mr•. Fahey. <br />Ayes (5) Scalze, Fahey, Collova, Blesener~, LaValle. <br />Nays (0). <br />Resolution declar~ed adopted. <br />This r~esolution appear•s in Resolution Book No. 19, Page 141. <br />Fasciana The City Attor•ney submitted for• appr~oval an option agr•eement for• the <br />Option Fasciana proper~ty. Pur~chase pr•ice is $24,200 per• acre. <br />Agr~eement <br />Mr~. Collova intr•oduced the following r~esolution and moved its adoption: <br />Agenda <br />Item No. 13 RESOLUTION P10. 88-4-138 - AUTHORIZING THE <br />MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN TNE OPTION AGREEMENT <br />FOR THE FASCIANA PROPERTY AS SUBP1ITTED [3Y THE <br />CITY ATTORDIEY <br />The for•egoing resolution was duly seconded by Mr•. Blesener•. <br />Ayes (5) Collova, Blesener•, Fahey, LaValle, Scalze. <br />Nays (0). <br />Resolution declared adopted. <br />This r•esolution appear•s in Resolution Book No. 19, Page 142. <br />Waite The City Attor~ney r•epor•ted that the Boar•d of Commissioner~s have awar•ded <br />Pr~oper•ty a$2,60q plus $500 for• appr•aisal fee, settlement to Mr•. Vdaite in settlement <br />Settlement of the Sylvan Str~eet easement matter~. The City's appr•aisal testimony <br />was $1,800, and Mr~. Waite's appr•aisal testimony was $5,500. <br />Agenda <br />Addition The City Attor•ney suggested that if Mr~. Waite appeals the assessment, <br />he be author•ized to file a cr•oss-appeal. <br />Mr~. Fahey intr~oduced the following r•esolution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 88-4-139 - AUTHORIZING THE <br />CITY ATTORNEY TO CROSS-APPEAL THE WAITE <br />PROPERTY CONDEMNATION MATTER IN THE EVENT <br />THAT P1R. b1AITE APPEALS THE SETTLEMEMT <br />~ETERMINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSION~RS <br />Page -18- <br />