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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />April 13, 1988 <br />Spooner• The City Attor•ney r~epor~ted that he has r•eviewed the lease agreement <br />Par•k between the City and School Distr•ict for• the Spooner~ Par•k pr•oper~ty. <br />Lease The date of the agr~eement is August 28, 1975 and the agr•eement has a <br />Agr•eement 15 year~ ter•m with a 10 year~ renewal option. The lease r•estr~icts the <br /> pr~oper•ty to par•k use. Ther•e ar•e also two ter~mination pr~ovisions in <br />Age~-~da the agr•eement. The fi r•st al l ows the School Di str~i ct to ter•mi nate the <br />Addition lease should the Distr~ict need the pr•oper•ty for• school purposes. <br /> The second allows the ter•mination of the lease should the School District <br /> deem it necessar•y to sell the pr•oper•ty. The School Distr•ict is r•equired <br /> to give the City 90 days notice and the City has the first r•ight of <br /> r~efusal on the property. The Attorney stated that without notice, the <br /> City has an enfor~ceable 25-year• ter•m for~ Spooner• Par~k. <br /> Blesener• pointed out that any 90-day notice fr~om the School Distr•ict <br /> of thei r~ i ntent to sel l the pr•oper•ty woul d have to be i n wr•i ti ng. <br /> The City Attor•ney agr•eed that the City could take that position. <br /> The City Attor•ney stated that the City can amend its pur•chase agr•eement <br /> for• Spooner• Par~k by just changing the amount of money offer•ed to the <br /> School Distr•ict. <br />Fahey suggested that the City offer~ the School Distr•ict a cash pur~chase <br />r•ather• than ter•ms. <br />Mr~s. Scalze intr~oduced the following r•esolution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 88-4-136 - AMENDIPIG THE SPOONEP, <br />PARK PURCHASE AGREEMENT TO INDICATE A PURCHASE <br />PRICE OF $435,Q00 WITH TERMS OF THE PURCHASE <br />PAYMENT TO liE CASH AND WITH NO CONTINGENCIES <br />IN THE PURCHASE AGREEMENT TYING TNE PURCHASE <br />TO ANY OTHER PROPERTY <br />The for•egoing resolution was duly seconded by Mr~. Fahey. <br />Ayes (5) Fahey, Scalze, Collova, Blesener~, LaValle. <br />Nays (0). <br />Resolution declar~ed adopted. <br />This r•esolution appear~s in Resolution Book No. 19, Page 140. <br />Dave The City Attor•ney submitted to the Council a signed option agr•eement <br />Frattalone for• the pur•chase of the Dave Frattalone pr~oper•ty in the Center~ville <br />Option Road ar•ea. Mr~. Fr•attalone has added an addendum to the option agr•eement <br />Agr~eement r•egar~ding his obliqation to r~emove liens and encumbr~ances pr•ior• to <br />closing on the pr•oper•ty. These liens and encumbr~ances may not be <br />Agenda r•emoved pr•i or• to cl osi ng but wi 11 be pr•i or~ to payment for• the pr•operty. <br />Item No. 13 <br />The Attor•ney r•epor~ted that the purchase pr•ice for• the proper•ty is $24,200 <br />per~ acr~e. The ter~ms ar•e that $100,000 will be paid at the time of <br />closing, $100,000 at the fir~st anniver•sar•y of closing and the r•emainder• <br />at the second anniver~sar~y of closing. <br />Page -17- <br />