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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />April 13, 1988 <br />Zilge RESOLUTION N0. 88-4-147 - AUTHORIZING THE <br />Building BUILDING INSPECTOR TO ISSUE A BUILDING PERMIT <br />Per~mit TO MR. ZILGE UPON COMPLETION, OR SUITABLE <br />(Cont.) PROVISION TO COMPLETE, THE ITEMS LISTED IN THE <br />BUILDING INSPECTOR'S LETTER OF APRIL 13, 1988 <br />TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE BUILDING I~ISPECTOR, <br />CITY PLANNER AND CITY ATTORNEY <br />The for~egoing r•esolution was duly seconded by Mr•. Collova. <br />Ayes (5) Fahey, Collova, Scalze, Blesener, LaValle. <br />Nays (0). <br />Resolution declar~ed adopted. <br />This r•esolution appear•s in Resolution Book No. 19, Page 151. <br />Par~k Scalze suggested that copies of the City's r•esidential sur•vey be made <br />Sur•vey available to the gener•al public. Scalze r~epor•ted that the City of <br />Shor•eview char•ged $5 per• copy of their• sur•vey. <br />Agenda <br />Item No. 18a Without objection, the Council set a$5 char•ge for• copies of the sur•vey. <br />Cr•ime Scalze expr~essed concer•n with the amount of cr•ime in Little Canada as <br />Study shown in a recent cr•ime study compar•ison of 47 subur•bs. <br />Agenda Fahey suggested that the City follow up on this matter• with Commander• <br />Addition Ber•geron of the Ramsey C ounty Sher~iff's Depar•tment. <br /> The City Cler•k r•epor•ted that he will sen d Commander• Ber•ger•on a copy of <br /> the study. <br />Ener•gy Council r•eviewed cor•r~espondence fr•om the Gover•nor~'s office r•egar~ding <br />Audit ener•gy audits and a gr•ant pr~ogr~am available for~ these audits. <br />Agenda Fahey suggested that the City check with Nor~ther•n States Power• on the <br />Item No. 19a cost of conducting such an audit for• the City. <br />Blesener• agr•eed, and pointed out that the results of such an audit could <br />help in planning the City Center addition. <br />Compar~able LaValle submitted to the Council a r~esolution which was passed by Ar~den <br />Wor•th Hills as a fir•st step in adopting compar•able worth. <br />Agenda Council r~eviewed the r•esolution but felt additional infor~mation was <br />Item No. 19b needed befor~e such a r•esolution could be adopted. <br />Fahey suggested that it may be necessar~y to schedule a Council wor•kshop <br />to discuss the compar•able wor•th issue. <br />Page -24- <br />