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PIINUTES <br />City Council <br />Flpril 13, 1988 <br />Bingo BINGO TWO NIGHTS PER WEEK AT THE LITTLE <br />Rene~aals CANADA f3ING0 HALL <br />(Cont.) <br />The for•egoing r~esolution was duly seconded by Mr•. Collova. <br />Ayes (4) LaValle, Collova, Scalze, Blesener. <br />Nays (0). <br />Resolution declar•ed adopted. <br />This r•esolution appear~s in Resolution 6ook No. 19, Page 133. <br />Auto The City has r•eceived an application fr•om Mr~. Andy LaP1otte, 2835 Rice <br />Repair~ Str~eet, for• an auto r~epair• license to oper~ate a business in Ryan <br />License Industr~ial Park. Mr. LaPQotte r•epor~ted that he has been in the business <br />L& S for 18 year~s and would like to move his business to Little Canada. La <br />Enter•pr~ises Motte r•epor•ted that he pr•eviously was in business in the City of St. <br /> Paul. The business consists of major~ engine r~epair•. <br />Agenda <br />Item No. 7 Blesener~ pointed out the condition of some of the nr~oper~ties in Ryan <br /> Industr~ial Par~k and expr•essed concer•n that an auto r~epair~ business <br /> may store engine parts outdoors. <br /> LaPlotte agr~eed that the condition of some of the pr~oper•ties in the park <br /> was poor~, but r~epor•ted that any junk auto par•ts fr•om his business <br /> would not he stor•ed on the site, but would be tr~ucked away. <br />Blesener pointed out the April 11, 1988 letter from theRuilding Inspector <br />which listed a number of conditions for improvement of the property <br />befor•e the license would be issued. <br />LaMotte r~eviewed this r~epor•t and infor~med the Council that ther•e would <br />be no painting of vehicles on the pr•emises. <br />Council discussed the r~ecommendations of the [~uilding Inspector~ and asked <br />whether~ or• not the building owner~ would comply with these r•ecommendations. <br />LaMotte noted that he is not pr•oposing to locate his business in the <br />Safety-Kleen building as indicated in the (3uilding Inspector•'s letter•, <br />but r•ather• in a building on Ryan Lane. <br />Scalze suggested that the Building Inspector review this building and <br />contact the building owner~ to deter~mine if he would comply with any <br />r•ecommendations the Building Inspector• might have. <br />Qlesener~ suggested that action on the application be tabled until <br />the next meeting. <br />Mr•. Blesener~ intr•oduced the following r~esolution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 88-4-131 - TA6LIPIG ACTION ON <br />THE APPLICATION FOR AUTO REPAIR LICENSE FOR <br />L& S ENTERPRISES TO OPERATE AT 180 RYA~1 LANE <br />Page -6- <br />