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04-13-88 Council Workshop Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
04-13-88 Council Workshop Minutes
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MINUTES OF THE WORKSHOP MEETING <br />CITY COUNCIL <br />LITTLE CA~IADA, MINNESOTA <br />Apr•il 13, 1988 <br />Pur•suant to due call and notice ther•eof a wor~kshop meeting of the <br />Council of the City of Little Canada, Pninnesota was held on the <br />13th day of Apr~il, 1988 in the Council Chamber~s of the City Center• <br />located at 515 Little Canada Road in said City. <br />Acti ng Mayor~ Rever~ly Scal ze chai r•ed the meeti ng and cal l ed i t to or•der~ <br />at 6:30 P.M. and the following member•s of the Council wer~e pr•esent at <br />roll call: <br />P1Ef1BERS PRESENT <br />Acting Mayor <br />Councilman <br />Councilman <br />Councilman <br />Mrs. Beverly Scalze <br />Mr•. Qill Blesener• <br />Mr. Rick Collova <br />Mr•. Jim LaValle <br />MEMBERS ABSENT <br />ALSO PRESENT <br />Mayor• <br />City Cler•k <br />Recording Secretary <br />Mr•. Plichael Fahey <br />Mr~. Joseph Chlebeck <br />Mr~s. Kathy Glanzer• <br />Sur~vey Scalze r•epor•ted that the pur~pose of tonight's meeting is for~ a <br />Report presentation by Decision Resources of the results of a recent survey <br /> which their• fir•m conducted within the City at Council r•equest. <br />Mr•. Bill Mor~r~is, Decision Resour•ces, pr•esented to the Council sur•vey <br />highlights and analysis of the Little Canada Residential Sur•vey. Mor~r~is <br />r•epor•ted that the sur•vey identified some basic weaknesses in City <br />ser•vices, but also identified several str•engths and rated the City's <br />park and recreation programs extremely high. <br />Pol i ce and fi r•e pr•otecti on wer~e r•ated somewhat 1 ow. Mor~r~i s commented <br />that low r•atings for~ police pr~otection ar•e usually for• two r~easons - <br />slow r•esponse time or• occasional rudeness on the par~t of officer~s. <br />Mor~r~is was unsur•e why the low r~ating given to fir•e pr~otection, but <br />suggested that depar~tments with high visibility ar•e usually r~ated <br />more favorably. P1orris suggested that there may be a lack of <br />visibility on the par~t of the City's Fir•e Depar•tment in compar•ison <br />to other areas. <br />Blesener~ pointed out that most negative comments made r~egar•ding the <br />Fir~e Depar~tment came fr~om Section 3, and the highest number~ of fir•e <br />cal l s come fr~om that ar•ea. <br />Scal ze poi nted out the Fi r•e Depar•tment' s pr•ogr•ams i n el ementar•y <br />schools, and suggested that the majority of childr~en fr•om the City <br />do not come fr•om Section 3. <br />Morr•i s r•epor•ted that the sur•vey deter•mi ned that the Ci ty has one of <br />the highest populations of non-home owning individuals, with most <br />cities'non-home-owning population being between 35 and 40%. <br />Page -1- <br />
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