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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />April 13, 1988 <br />Mor•r•is indicated that the 37% r•esponse indicating a problem was somewhat <br />high. P1orr•is also pointed out that the negative r•esponses ar•e coming <br />fr~om people with school-aged childr•en. However•, the r•esidents in Ar•ea 2 <br />indicated that they wer•e pleased with str•eet lighting. <br />alesener pointed out that Ar~ea 2 is wher•e new development is cur•r~ently <br />happening and str~eet lighting has not been installed yet. alesener <br />pointed otat that the City r~ecently adopted a new str•eet lighting policy <br />which cut down on the number of str•eet lights. Blesener• felt the str•eet <br />lighting policy may have to be r•eviewed in light of the sur~vey comments. <br />Elaine Zoch commented on the excellent ,job done with snowplowinq in the <br />City and suggested that the City send a letter of appreciation to whoever <br />does the plowing. Zoch also stated that she would sa,y police pr•otection <br />was poor~ since ther~e have been a number• of br•eak-ins in her• ar•ea and <br />ver•y little visibility of police. Zoch suggested that mor•e visibility <br />would improve the rating given to police protection. <br />R1esener commented that the County does the City's snowplowing and agreed <br />that the ser•vice the City r•eceives is much better• than that of St. Paul <br />or• Minneapolis which plow their• own str•eets. <br />A caller requested a description of the areas the City was broken into <br />for survey purposes. <br />Scalze described these three areas. <br />Plorris reported that in surveyinq renters within the City, his firm <br />identified almost five gr•oups within the r•enter~s. These include white <br />collar~, highly educationed, some newly mar~r~ied and some with young <br />childr•en, with 36% planning to r•emain in Little Canada if affor•dable <br />housing is available. <br />Scalze pointed out that a good shar•e of the Cit.y's multiple units are <br />owner occupied. <br />Morris agreed, but stated that the five groups that were identified <br />ap~lied to renters only. <br />Blesener~ pointed out that the aver•age income for~ Little Canada is low <br />compar•ed to other• cities, and asked if this was due to the large population <br />of senior~ citizens. <br />Mor~r~is agr~eed that ther•e was a lar•qe senior• population as well as <br />bli.~e collar workers. <br />Zoch stated that as a member• of the Par•k Commission she would like to <br />thank the City for• going ahead with the sur~vey which will be valuable <br />in planning the development of future park land within the City. <br />Blesener• pointed out that the Cit,y is in the pr•ocess of buying a gr•eat <br />deal of park land and anticipates doing so without any tax incr~ease. <br />f3lesener~ pointed out that most respondents indicated that they were in <br />Page -5- <br />