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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />May 11, 1988 <br />Thunder~ Bay Scalze r~epor•ted that the Par•k Commission would like author~ization to <br />Par•k (Cont.) call for• bids for grading and tr•ail impr•ovements in Thunder• Bay Par•k <br />fr•om Payne Avenue to Gr•eenbrier~. The Park Commission has money <br />budgeted for these impr•ovements. <br />Mr•s. Scalze intr•oduced the following r•esolution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 88-5-183 - AUTHORIZING THE <br />ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR TRAIL AND <br />GRADING WORK FOR THUNDER BAY PARK <br />The for•egoing r•esolution was duly seconded by Mr•. LaValle. <br />Ayes (5) Scalze, LaValle, Collova, Fahey, Blesener•. <br />Nays (0). <br />Resolution declar•ed adopted. <br />This r~esolution appear~s in Resolution Book No. 19, Page 186. <br />Swimming Fahey r•epor•ted that it has been deter•mined that ther~e is encr•oachment <br />Pool of a pr•ivate swimming pool onto City proper~ty by about 15 feet. Fahey <br />Encr•oachment suggested that the City write the proper~ty owner• a letter• r~equesting <br />On City that the encr~oachment be r~emoved. <br />Property <br />Scalze pointed out that the City pr•oper•ty onto which the swimming pool <br />Agenda is encor~aching was obtained by tax for•feitur~e, and the City could not <br />Item No. 16b sell the pr~oper•ty to the pr~oper•ty owner~ to r~esolve the encr•oachment <br />problem. <br />Scalze pointed out that obviously the pr•oper•ty owner~ never obtained <br />bui 1 di ng per•mi ts for~ ei ther the pool or• fence sur•r•oundi ng the pool . <br />Mr•s. Scalze intr~oduced the following r•esolution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 88-5-184 - AUTHORIZING THE <br />CITY ATTORNEY AND BUILDING IPISPECTOR TO WORK <br />WITN THE PROPERTY OWNER ON TNE MATTER OF <br />SWIMMING POOL ENCROACHMENT ONTO CITY PROPERTY <br />The for~egoing r•esolution was duly seconded by Mr•. Blesener•. <br />Ayes (5) Scalze, Blesener, LaValle, Fahey, Collova. <br />Nays (0). <br />Resolution declar•ed adopted. <br />This r•esolution appear~s in Resolution Book No. 19, Page 187. <br />Day Camp Jim Morelan, Recr•eation Director•, repor•ted that the Nor•th Subur•ban <br />Pr•ogr~am Youth Association is funding a Day Camp pr~ogr•am which will be held <br />Funding at Little Canada Elementar•y School in the amount of $8,000. However•, <br />Agenda When the pr~ogr•am was put together•, time necessar~y for~ teacher•s to <br />Addition cr•itique the pr~ogr•am and make plans for• the following day's activities <br />Page -16- <br />