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05-11-88 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
05-11-88 Council Minutes
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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />May 11, 1988 <br />Day Camp <br />Pr•ogr•am <br />(Cont.) <br />was over•looked. Mor•elan r~epor•ted that an additional $500 in funding <br />is needed for~ these activities. <br />Mr~s. Scalze intr~oduced the following r~esolution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 88-5-185 - AUTHORIZING TNE <br />EXPENDITURE OF $500 fOR TNE DAY CAP1P PROGRAM <br />TO BE CONDUCTED AT LITTLE CANADA ELEMENTARY <br />SCHOOL <br />The for•egoing resolution was duly seconded by Mr~. LaValle. <br />Ayes (5) Scalze, LaValle, Collova, Blesener•. Fahey. <br />Nays (0). <br />Resolution declar•ed adopted. <br />This resolution appear~s in Resolution Book No. 19, Page 188. <br />The City Cler•k suggested that the money for~ the Day Camp Pr~ogr•am be <br />taken fr•om the Gener~al Fund-1988 Contingencies. <br />Scalze asked how many childr•en wer~e r~egister•ed in the pr•ogr•am. <br />Morelan r•eplied that ther•e are cur•r~ently 140 childr~en r•egister•ed <br />wi th the appl i cati on per•i od r•unni ng unti 1 Fr~i day. Mor~el an r•epor•ted <br />that the progr•am was planned to accommodate 100 to 120, however•, <br />thought that all childr•en could be accommodated by incr•easing class <br />sizes. Cur•rent applicants ar•e being placed on a waiting list, however•. <br />Blesener suggested that the Council would be willing to consider• additional <br />funding of the progr~am to accommodate all applicants. Blesener~ sug,qested <br />that, if necessar•y, Mor~elan come back with a r•equest for~ additional <br />funding. <br />Por•nogr•aphy Fahey r•epor~ted that he appear•ed at a r•ecent meeting of the Nor•th <br />On Cable TV Suburban Cable TV Commission to discuss pr•onogr•aphy on Cable TV. The <br />Commission has determined that some materials being br~oadcast on Cable <br />Agenda TV ar•e pornogr•aphic. The Commission's Attor•ney has agr~eed. It is felt <br />Addition by the Commission that the Cable TV Company is not living up to its <br />fr•anchise agreement which states that pr•onogr•aphic mater•ials will not <br />be broadcast. At the Commission meeting Bill Blesener made a motion <br />instructing Commission member•s to go back to their~ City Councils to <br />deter•mine if they want to endor•se litigation. <br />Blesener• stated that his motion was for• the Cable Commission to send <br />a letter• to the Cable Company stating that it is dissatisfied with <br />the movies being shown and r•equesting that they be r•emoved. A <br />wr~itten r•eply is r~equested fr•om the Cable Company to the var•ious <br />cities. A r•eply has not been r•eceived at this point. <br />Fahey stated that the fr•anchise agr•eement pr•ovides for• sanctions if <br />Page -17- <br />
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