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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />May 25, 1988 <br />Boosalis a Plan E which was suggested by P1rs. Scalze and which Boosalis reviewed <br />CUP for the Council. Plan E decr•eased the size of the commercial building <br />(Cont.) and pr•ovided a ser~vice dr•iveway ar~ound to the back of the building. The <br />plan also added r•esidential Lots 16 and 17, however•, Boosalis questioned <br />the ability to develop two additional r•esidential lots and thought only <br />one would be possible. <br />Tim Townsley, Iona Lane resident, questioned the necessity for a ser~vice <br />dr•ive in the back of the commer•cial building. <br />Boosalis r•eplied that this access is needed for• deliver~ies to the <br />occupants of the building and pointed out that there is a service walkway <br />in the back of the fir~st commer•cial building alr•eady developed on the site. <br />Boosalis pointed out that Plan E decr•eases the amount of par•king spaces <br />and noted the necessity for~ having adequate, convenient par•king for• <br />r•etail center•s. <br />Fahey stated that he was not pleased with the tr•affic patter•n for• Plan E <br />and agr~eed that par•king must be convenient to the r~etail businesses. <br />Collova suggested that only substandar•d housing may be developed on <br />Lots 16 and 17 pr•oposed i n Pl an E due to thei r• pr•oximi ty to the r~etai 1 <br />center• pr•oposed. <br />Blesener• felt that ther~e would be mor~e activity adjacent to the Townsley <br />property under• Plan E than Plan A~ <br />Fahey stated that he felt Boosalis did a good job of laying out the <br />r~esidential development in Plan A and questioned the impact on the <br />Townsley property. <br />Townsley felt the impact would be significant and noted the noise pr~oblems <br />fr•om the existing str~ip center• which would be escalated when a closer• <br />str•i p center• i s devel oped. Townsl ey stated that he pr•efer•r•ed P1 an E to <br />Plan A. <br />Fahey stated that whatever• plan is developed will have to wor~k commer•cial1y <br />for• the City to par•ticipate in Tax Incr~ement Financing for• the pr~oject. <br />Fahey did not feel the City should deny a commer•cial development that <br />made good common sense. <br />Towns1ey stated that he would r~ather• see r~esidential development adjacent <br />to his pr~oper•ty than commercial. <br />Fahey noted that ther~e is not enough depth to develop the str~ip of land <br />to the south of Iona Lane with r•esidential development. A r•oad would <br />have to be built to access the pr~oper•ty, and Fahey felt a r•oad adjacent <br />to the Townsley proper•ty would have mor~e impact than Plan A. Fahey <br />stated that he has to evaluate whether• Townsley's objections wer~e r•easonable <br />given the ar~ea that he lives in. <br />Page -5- <br />