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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />June 8, 1988 <br />1989 The City Cler•k r•epor•ted that the 1989 Sher•iff's Contr•act includes a 3 1/2% <br />Sher~iff's incr•ease for~ wages and funding for• an a~ditional investigative officer•. <br />Contr•act The proposed 1989 contr•act amount is $330,448. <br />Agenda Council asked the amount of the 1988 Sheriff's Contract. <br />Ttem No. l0a <br /> Consideration was delayed on this item until the City Cler•k obtained this <br /> infor•mation. <br />Sprinkling Blesener• r~eviewed a letter• fr~om the Public Wor~ks Depar~tment r•egar~ding <br />Ban water usage in the City over• the last few weeks and the suggestion for~ <br /> a spr~inkling ban. Blesener pointed out that the City r•ecently pur•chased <br />Agenda equipment the contr•ols pumping at the booster~ station so that pumps <br />Item No. lla only oper~ate between 9 P.M. and 9 A.M. This results in a utility <br /> savings to the City of approximately $10,000 per~ year~. However•, with <br /> the r~ecent high demand for water, Public Wor•ks has had to over•r~ide the <br /> system and begin pumping befor•e 9 P.M. Blesener was unsur~e if this <br /> loss of the utility savings for• a couple of months will make the City <br /> ineligible for the savings all year. <br /> Bl esener• poi nted out ther~e was no pr•obl em wi th water• shor•tage, the only <br /> concer~n is the electr~ical cost savings to the City. <br /> Blesener repor•ted that the City of St. Paul has never• had a spr~inkling <br /> ban and Roseville has not adopted such a ban. <br /> It was suggested that Public Wor~ks deter~mine the effect of loss of the <br /> utility r•ate savings for a couple of months on the entir•e year's r•ates <br /> and repor~t back to the Council. However•, the Council was not in favor• <br /> of a spr•inkling ban if the cost savings would be lost for~ only a couple <br /> of months and since ther~e is no water• shor~tage. <br />1989 The Ci ty Cl er~k r•epor~ted that the amount of the 1988 Sher~i ff' s Contr•act <br />Sher•iff's is $305,627. <br />Contr•act <br />(Cont.) Scalze repor•ted that ther~e ar•e some cities who have r•eached their levy <br />limitations and have refused any incr~eased cost in their• Sher•iff's <br />Contract. <br />Fahey asked how much it costs the City of Roseville to have their~ own <br />police depar•tment. <br />Scalze pointed out that the City has studied this in the past and <br />has always concluded that the City is better• contr~acting this service. <br />Collova asked if other~ contr•acting cities are picking up the differ~ence <br />made by some cities r•efusing incr~eased policing costs. <br />The City Clerk replied that the other cities are not picking up these <br />Page -12- <br />