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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />June 8, 1988 <br />1989 costs, but the cities ar•e then r•eceiving a decrease in the amount of <br />Sher•iff's ser•vice they ar~e receiving. <br />Contr~act <br />(Cont.) Scalze stated that the 3 1/2% wage increase is acceptable, but questioned <br />the need for an additional investigative officer•. <br />The City Clerk r•epor•ted that the Sher•iff's Depar•tment has infor•med him <br />the cur~r•ent investigative officer~s ar•e wor•king a lot of over~time and the <br />Sheriff's Depar~tment feels it mor•e cost effective and better• for~ mor•ale <br />to hir•e an additional officer•. <br />Mr~s. Scalze intr~oduced the following r•esolution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 88-6-239 - ACCEPTING THE 1989 <br />LAW ENFORCEMENT CONTRACT WITH THE RAP1SEY <br />COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT AS PROPOSED <br />PROVIDED THAT OTHER CONTRACTING CITIES APPROVE <br />THE INCREASE FOR ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATIVE <br />OFFICER <br />The for•egoing r~esolution was duly seconded by Mr•. Blesener•. <br />Ayes (4) Scalze, Blesener•, Collova, Fahey. <br />Nays (0). <br />Abstains (1) LaValle. <br />Resolution declar~ed adopted. <br />This r•esolution appear•s in Resolution Book No. 19, Page 243. <br />Scalze r•eviewed a repor•t she compiled compar•ing number•s and types of <br />police calls with other~ contr•acting cities being pr~ovided police pr•otection <br />by the Ramsey County Sher•iff's Depar•tment. <br />Scalze pointed out that Little Canada's cr~ime figur•es ar~e higher• than <br />other• cities the same size, however•, given the high per•centage of <br />multiple dwelling units in the City, the numbers of calls to these <br />units was not out-of-line. Police calls seem to be spr~ead fair•ly equally <br />thr~oughout the City. <br />Building Collova pointed out the r~epor•ts submitted by the Building Inspector•, and <br />& suggested that if Councilmember~s r•eceive any complaints r~egar•ding building <br />Zoning and zoning, that they be referr~ed to him. <br />Agenda <br />Item No. 12 <br />Thunder• Bay Scal ze r•epor•ted that the Ci ty r•ecently took bi ds for• tr•ai 1 work i n the <br />Tr•ail Wor~k Thuncier• Bay Par•k area. These bids ar•e as follows: <br />Agenda Midwest Asphalt Cor~por~ation $22,984 <br />Item No. 13 B~tuminous Consulting & Contr•acting $23,575 <br />Centr~al Landscaping $24,800 <br />Daily & Son Blacktopping $27,800 <br />Barber~ Construction Go. $37,332 <br />Page -13- <br />