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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />June 8, 1988 <br />Boosalis CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUEST AND REZONING <br />CUP (Cont.) REQUEST WITH REGARD TO THE RESIDENTIAL PORTION <br />OF THE BOOSALIS DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL WITH <br />INSTRUCTION TO THE CITY CLERK A~1D CITY PLANNER <br />TO WORK ~AITH THE DEVELOPER TO ENSURE TNAT <br />PROPER NOTICES ARE MADE FOR ANY NECESSARY <br />ITEMS SUCH AS THE REZONING AND CUP <br />The for~egoi ng r•esol uti on was duly seconded by Mr~. Bl esener~. <br />Ayes (5) Fahey, Blesener~, Scalze, LaValle, Collova. <br />Nays (O1. <br />Resolution declar•ed adopted. <br />This r~esolution appear~s in Resolution Book No. 19, Page 237. <br />P4r. Souchy, property owner~ on County Road C, stated that he would lose <br />value in his pr~operty if it wer•e rezoned fr~om commercial to r•esidential. <br />Col l ova poi nted out that i f the pr•oper•ty wer•e r•ezoned, the 1 ots fr•onti ng <br />on the new residential str•eet would be assessed at the residential <br />assessment r•ate, r~ather~ than the commer•cial r~ate. <br />Scalze pointed out that the Planning Commission will consider~ the r•ezoning <br />issue at their~ meeting tomor•row night and a public hear•ing would be held <br />on July 13, 1988 by the City Council. <br />Schr•ier• Fahey r•eported that the City has received a letter fr•om Mr~. McNab, attor~ney <br />Townhome r~epr~esenting the townhome owner•s in the Schr•ier development, outlining <br />Development concer•ns that these homeowners have with var~ious items within the <br /> development such as a r•etaining wall which appear•s r~eady to bur•st. <br />Agenda The letter~ was dated June 7, 1988 and Fahey r•ead the letter• to the <br />Addition Council. <br /> Fahey r~epor•ted that pr•i or• to recei pt of thi s 1 etter, the Bui 1 di ng Inspector• <br /> sent a 1 etter• to Mr•. Schr•i er• r~equesti ng cor•recti on of some pr•obl ems wi thi n <br /> the development. The Building Inspector~'s letter is dated June 2, 1988 <br /> and Fahey r•ead this letter for• the record. <br /> Fahey suggested that at this point ther•e was little action the Council <br /> should take in or~der• to give Mr~. Schr•ier• an oppor•tunity to r•espond. If <br /> Schr~ier• does not r•espond, the Building Inspector• will follow thr~ough. <br /> McNab appeared befor~e the Council and described the conilition of the <br /> r•etai ni ng wal l. McPJab r~epor•ted that he has di scussed the matter• wi th <br /> the City Engineer~ who suggested that the Council author•ize him to <br /> inspect the wall with the possibility of condemnation of the wall. <br /> McNab also r•epor~ted that Mr. Schr•ier• has not tur~ned over the homeowners <br /> association to the townhome owner•s and has two documents,one showing <br />Page -5- <br />