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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />June 8, 1988 <br />Saiko The Council suggested that the Saiko's contact the Building Inspector• on <br />(Cont.) this matter•. <br />Bar•-B-Que Fahey reviewed the r~esults of the sur~vey the City Cler•k conducted of the <br />Gr~ills City's apar~tment buildings and condominium associations r~egarding bar~-b-que <br /> grills. Fahey repor~ted that the majority of apartment managers and <br />Agenda homeowner•s associations within the City pr•efer•r~ed that bar~-b-que gr•ills <br />Addition be banned fr•om apar•tment and condominium balconies. <br /> Fahey asked what, if any, action other• cities have taken on this issue. <br /> The City Cler~k r•epor•ted that he did not have this infor•mation at this <br /> time, but would obtain it for~ the Council. <br /> LaValle suggested that r~ather• than the City banning bar•-b-que gr•ills, <br /> that the apar~tment and condominium complexes do it themselves. <br /> Collova agr•eed pointing out that this tur•ns enfor•cement over• to the <br /> manager•s and associations r•ather~ than the City. <br /> Fahey r•epor•ted that the Fir•e Chief has indicated that he does not see a <br />o correction need to pr•ohi bi t gr•i 11 s enti r•ely, but fel t that onl,~~-qn~-ter~s i gni tor~s <br />RES.NO should be allowed. ~ electric ignitors <br />88-6-245 <br /> Blesener• agreed that lighter• fluid should not be per~mitted, and was alr~eady <br /> pr•ohibited under~ the City's cur•r•ent or•dinance. <br /> Blesener• suggested that pr•ior• to the Council taking action on this matter•, <br /> the Council should get the opinion of the Building Inspector• and the <br /> r•esul ts of the sur~vey of other• nei ghbor•i ng ci ti es. <br />Tr~ain Mr~. Fahey r~eported that Mr•. Str•uck of the Oakmont Condominiums has again <br />Whistles contacted him regar~ding the issue of blowing of tr•ain whistles within <br />City limits. Ther~efor•e, Fahey r•epor•ted he contacted the Soo Line and was <br />Agenda told that ther•e ar•e many cities that pr•ohibit blowing of these whistles <br />Addition within City limits except in emer•gency situations. This is especially <br />true in the subur•bs sur•r•oundinq subur•bs. <br />Fahey r•epor~ted that the r•ailr•oad has indicated that they would be comfor•table <br />with such an or•dinance for• Little Canada since all the City's r•ailr~oad <br />cr•ossings ar•e contr•olled. fahey r~eviewed a letter• he r•eceived fr•om the <br />r•ailr~oad on this matter~, which indicates that they will blow the whistle <br />until they ar•e pr•ohibited fr•om doing so. The letter• indicated that since <br />the cr~ossings ar~e contr•olled, this would r•educe the liability to the City <br />should the City adopt an or~dinance pr~ohibiting blowing the whistles except <br />in emer•gency situations. <br />Fahey stated that he can under•stand the nuisance to the people living <br />next to the tr•acks when whistles ar~e being blown. Fahey pointed out that <br />any liability the City might incur~ fr~om adopting an or•dinance pr•ohibiting <br />Page -9- <br />