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P4INUTES <br />City Council <br />June 22, 1988 <br />HUB Hobby Mr. Br•ian Br•uce, r•epr•esenting Hub Hobby Center•, appear•ed before the <br />Center~ Council r•equesting appr~oval of a conditional use permit for• a small <br />CUP car~ race tr~ack which is located adjacent to the Hobby Center• at the <br />Little Canada Mall. <br />Agenda <br />Item No. 5 Fahey r•eported that the Planning Commission has r•ecommended approval <br />of the CUP conditioned upon compliance with the r~ecommendations as <br />contained in the Planner•'s r~eport and subject to the hour~s of oper•ation <br />being 9 A.M. until 9 P.M. and that a landscaping/scr•eening plan for the <br />site be submitted. Fahey reviewed the other• r~ecommendations of the <br />P1 anner• as contai ned i n hi s r•epor•t. <br />Bruce r~eported that with regar~d to the recommendation for pedestrian <br />tr•affic controls, people using the tr•ack will be accessing the tr•ack <br />fr•om the par~ki ng 1 ot, wi th ver•y few peopl e accessi ng the tr•ack thr•ough <br />the stor•e and acr~oss the alleyway. <br />Scalze asked if the satellite facility in place for• the r~ace tr•ack was <br />the pr~oper way to pr~ovi de bathr•oom faci 1 i ti es i n a commer•ci al ar~ea. <br />Br•uce r•eported that the stor~e has r~estr•ooms which ar•e also available <br />to customer•s, and the satellite was placed near• the tr~ack for• the sake <br />of convenience. <br />The City Planner• replied that ther•e is no pr•oblem with the satellite <br />fr•om a Zoning Code standpoint. <br />Blesener~ stated that he did not see much differ~ence fr~om the satellites <br />pr~ovided at ball tour•naments. Blesener~ suggested that some stair~s be <br />pr•ovided down the steep embankment on the site. <br />Br•uce stated that this would be done and HUB was cur•r~ently lool<ing into <br />ways to do it. <br />Blesener• suggested that measur•es be taken to pr•event people fr•om parking <br />on Viking Drive and accessing the tr•ack fr~om that dir•ection. <br />Br~uce r•epl i ed that NUB has i nfor•med peopl e of the 1 ocati on of par~ki ng for• <br />the tr~ack. <br />Blesener• pointed out that dr•ainage pr~oblems wer•e r•aised at the Planning <br />Commission meeting. <br />Br•uce r~eported that they have r•edir•ected their~ dr•ainage ditch to r•esolve <br />these pr•oblems. <br />Mr•. Eagan, r•esident in the ar•ea, was concer~ned with trespasser~s on his <br />pr•oper~ty coming fr•om Viking Dr•ive. <br />The Council felt this was a separ•ate issue as the tr~espassing was due <br />to a differ•ent commer•cial development in the ar•ea other• than HUB Hobby <br />Center. <br />Page -2- <br />