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06-22-88 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
06-22-88 Council Minutes
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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />June 22, 1988 <br />Schr•oeder~ options in the future. Declar~ing Par•cel 1 an outlet will not infer• <br />Pr•oper•ty any development r•ights to the pr•oper•ty owner•, until such time as a <br />Division development plan for~ the par•cel is appr~oved and the outlot r•eplatted. <br />( Cont. ) Pl atti ng the pr•oper~ty wi 11 al so pr~ovi de the pr•oper~ty owner• wi th a <br />separ•ate tax statement for• the Har•dee's site. <br />Fahe,y suggested that the same thing could be accomplished by enter~ing <br />i nto an agr•eement wi th the pr•oper•ty owner• which woul d state that par•cel <br />1 would not be developed until it is r•eplatted. Fahey pointed out that <br />the City requir•ed the platting of the Leibel pr•oper~ty. However•, Fahey <br />noted that in the case of the Schroeder• pr•operty, the City is unsur•e <br />wher•e r~oad accesses would, be located. Fahey asked if an agr~eement is a <br />wor•kable solution. <br />Mr. Schr~oeder~ stated that he was agr•eeable to wor•king out an agreement <br />with the City that the pr•oper~ty would be platted at the time it was <br />developed. Schr~oeder• again stated that his goal is to get separate <br />tax statements on the pr•operty. <br />Fahey asked if the City could r•equir•e platting at a later• date when the <br />pr•oper~ty i s devel oped. <br />The City Planner• r•eplied that if a subdivision was not necessar•y, the <br />applicant could just apply for• a building per~mit without fur~ther• <br />Council review. <br />Fahey pointed out that the City does not want to lose the ability to <br />work with the pr•oper~ty owner~ on the nor~ther~n r•oad access. <br />The City Attorney pointed out that the applicant will be r•equir•ed to <br />sur~vey the pr~operty si nce i t i s Tor•rens pr~oper•ty and have a cer•ti fi cate <br />pr•epar•ed which is all a par•t of the platting pr•ocess anyway. <br />Scalze pointed out that if Par~cel 1 is subdivided, ther•e may be a <br />par•k char•ge r~equir~ed. <br />Fahey agr•eed and stated that the City would have to determine if the <br />or•iginal par•k char•ge paid satisfied the requirement on this par~cel. <br />The City Attor•ney stated that the City should be able to enter~ into an <br />agr~eement wi th the pr•oper~ty owner• to pl at the pr~oper~ty at a 1 ater date. <br />The Attorney asked if the City would continue to allow the access to <br />Rice Str•eet along the norther~n edge of the pr•operty by U.S. Swim R <br />Fitness. The Attorney r~epor•ted that without a r•oad easement for• this <br />access, if the pr•oper~ty is sold the City may have a pr•oblem r•equir•ing <br />r~oad r~ight-of-way fr~om the pur•chaser•. <br />Fahey pointed out that if the proper•ty is platted, the City can r•equir~e <br />a r•oad easement. <br />Schr•oeder~ commented that his family has agreed that the r~oad will be <br />Page -5- <br />
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