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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />July 13, 1988 <br />Car~l a Lane The Ci ty Engi neer• pr~esented a feasi bi 1 i ty r•epor~t on the impr~ovement <br />Impr•ovement of Car•la Lane by str•eet, cur•b and gutter• and water•main. The City <br />Engineer r•epor•ted that the existing r•oadway for• Car~la Lane is 22 feet <br />Agenda wide. The street began as a pr~ivate drive, however~, has been accepted <br />Item No. 11 by the City and is now a local public str•eet. The Engineer• r•epor•ted that <br />ther•e is 50 feet of r~ight-of-way for~ the street, however•, due to the <br />existence of yar•ds and fences it would not be feasible to widen the <br />str•eet to the standar•d 32 foot width. The Engineer also r~epor~ted that <br />soils ar~e bad in the area and a special cast ir•on sanitary sewer had to <br />be installed. This sewer is located below lake level. <br />The Ci ty Engi neer• r•epor~ted that the near~est water•mai n to Carl a Lane i s <br />on either• County Road B-2 and Keller~ Par~kway or• on Ar~cade Str•eet and <br />LaBor•e. Br~inging water• fr~om these locations would be ver~y expensive <br />and the City Engineer~ felt it would be mor~e feasible to obtain water• <br />fr•om the City of Maplewood. Maplewood is cur•r•ently studying bringing <br />water~ to serve Palm Cour•t, which is in Maplewood and acr~oss Keller• <br />Par•kway from Car•la Lane. Maplewood has indicated that they would <br />consider• pr~oviding water~ to Car•la Lane in r~etur~n for• Little Canada <br />pr~oviding water to the Maplewood pr•operty located at Keller• Par•kway <br />and Ar~cade Str~eet. Public hear•ings on the watermain extension to Palm <br />Cour•t will be held sometime this winter•. <br />The City Engineer~ estimated watermain impr•ovement at $247,000 and street <br />r•econstruction at $166,000. An alter•native of only over•laying the str•eet <br />would be $24,000 with no water~main. <br />Fahey suggested that the Council schedule a public hear•ing with Car•la <br />Lane pr~oper•ty owners to get their~ feelings on the improvement. <br />Mr•. Weaver~s, Car•la Lane, asked if the elevation of the str~eet would be <br />adjiasted pointing out that sanitar•y sewer is only three feet below the <br />str•eet at this time. <br />The City Engineer r~eplied that these details have not been wor~ked out at <br />this time. <br />The Engineer• was asked the width of the street he is pr•oposing. <br />The Engineer• r~eplied that he is pr~oposing a 24 foot wide pavement. <br />Mr•. Olson, Car•la Lane r•esident, repor~ted that there are many low spots <br />in the street and asked if the str~eet would be cr•owned to eliminate <br />these low spots. <br />The City Engineer• r•eplied that the str~eet would be constr•ucted so that <br />it will drain. <br />John Schweizer•, 740 Carla Lane, asked if r~esidents would continue on <br />wells indefinitely, or• if they would be r•equir•ed to connect to City <br />water at some point. <br />Page -11- <br />