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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />July 13, 1988 <br />Bingo Hall <br />Sign <br />(Cont.) <br />Kleiss <br />Garage <br />Replacement <br />Agenda <br />Addition <br />conditional use per•mit is war•ranted for• a second free-standing sign. <br />Fahey suggested that Mr•. Shor~t meet with the City Planner on this issue <br />dur~ing staff hours on Monday. <br />Scalze pointed out that the conditional use permit request will have to <br />be r~eviewed by the Planning Commission befor~e it can be pr~esented to the <br />Council. <br />Collova suggested that the Planner look at what the City did in the case <br />of Minnesota Mini-Stor~age. <br />Blesener• also pointed out that a second free-standing sign was gr•anted <br />by conditional use permit for the Connco site. <br />Mr•. Rod Kleiss, 3006 Edger•ton, appeared befor•e the Council r~equesting <br />per~mission to replace his gar•age which has burned down. The pr•evious <br />gar~age was located 5 feet from the pr~oper•ty line, while cur~r~ent Code <br />would r•equire a 10 foot setback. Mr•. Kleiss would like the new gar•age <br />5 feet fr•om the proper~ty line, using the same slab as the pr•evious gar•age. <br />Fahey commented that the City recently changed the Code allowing a 5 foot <br />setback for• houses and gar•ages built pr•ior• to 1980. However•, the Kleiss <br />garage is consider•ed an accessor•y building and would not fall into this <br />categor~y. <br />The City Planner• r~eplied that accessor•y buildings wer•e addressed and <br />it was felt that an accessor•y building was easier~ to move around, ther•efor•e, <br />cur~r•ent setback r•equirements r•emained in effect for these str~uctur~es. <br />Collova stated that he felt this applied only to sheds and not detached <br />garages. <br />Fahey pointed out that the City could gr•ant a variance to Mr. Kleiss, but <br />did not feel that pr•oper•ty owner~s should be r•equir•ed to apply for~ var~iances <br />to r•eplace str~uctur•es such as this which bur~n down. Fahey felt the <br />or•dinance should be amended to include accessory buildings in the same <br />manner as homes and gar•ages built pr•ior• to 1980 wer~e addr•essed. Then <br />the proper•ty owners need only make application to the Building Inspector <br />for a per~mit. Fahey felt that if the accessor~y building was in confor~mance <br />with the standards at the time it was built, pr•oper•ty owners should be <br />allowed to r~eplace it. <br />Mr~. Collova introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 88-7-273 - AUTHORIZING THE <br />BUILDING INSPECTOR TO ISSUE ROD KLEISS, 3006 <br />EDGFRTON STREET, A BUILDING PERMIT TO REPLACE <br />HIS GARAGE SINCE THE PREVIOUS GARAGE WAS BUILT <br />PRIOR TO 1980 WHEN A FIVE FOOT SETBACK WAS IN <br />EFFECT <br />Page -14- <br />