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r~zNUrEs <br />City Council <br />July 13, 1988 <br />LeClaire Mr•. Blesener~ intr•oduced the following r~esolution and moved its adoption: <br />Lift Chair• <br />(Cont.) RESOLUTION N0. 88-7-279 - APPROVING A CHANGE- <br />ORDER FOR THE LECLAIRE HALL CHAIR-LIFT <br />IMPROVEMENT AS RECOMMENDED BY THE CITY <br />ENGINEER <br />The foregoing r~esolution was duly seconded by Mr•. Collova. <br />Ayes (5) Blesener, Collova, Scalze, Fahey, Lavalle. <br />Nays (0). <br />Resolution declar•ed adopted. <br />This r•esolution appear•s in Resolution Book No. 20, Page 284. <br />Twi n Lake The Ci ty Engi neer~ r•epor~ted that the Ci ty has recei ved a 1 etter• fr•om the <br />Tr•ail Minnesota Highway Depar•tment appr~oving the constr~uction of a berm along <br />Ber•m Twin Lake Tr•ail subject to a few r•equir~ements which the Engineer• r•eviewed <br />with the Council. One of these r•equirements is that the dir•t for• the <br />Agenda ber~m will not be allowed to be br•ought in from the fr~eeway side of the <br />Addition ber~m ar•ea. Another• r•equir•ement is that a bond be posted, which P9ayor• <br />Fahey felt the City could do and include the cost as par•t of the pvoject. <br />The City Engineer~ suggested that he for~war•d a copy of this letter• to <br />the r~esidents along Twin Lake Tr•ail for• their• consider~ation at this <br />time. <br />Dog The City Attor~ney submitted for Council r•eview a pr•oposed dog or•dinance <br />Or•dinance suggesting that the Council r•eview the ordinance for~ action at the next <br />Council meeting. <br />Agenda <br />Item No. 13 Blesener• repor~ted that there was a dog or•dinance r•ecently adopted by the <br />State ~ahich he felt the City Attorney should r•eview and comment on to the <br />Council. <br />Collova suggested that the pr•oposed or•dinance be sent to the City's Animal <br />Contr~ol Officer r~equesting his comment on the pr~oposal. <br />Action on the pr•oposed dog or•dinance was tabled for• further consider•ation <br />and review. <br />Center•ville The City Attor•ney r~epor•ted that the City has closed on all the pr•oper•ty <br />Road it intends to pur•chase for par•k land in the Center~ville Road area with <br />Pr~oper•ty the exception of the AIC Corpor•ation proper~ty. The City has submitted <br /> purchase agreements to AIC Corporation for its first two parcels and <br />Agenda the Ci ty Attor•ney has pr~epar•ed a new pur~chase agr•eement for the thi r•d <br />Item No. 14 par~cel owned by AIC Cor~poration. The Attor~ney r•equested that the Mayor• <br />Page -17- <br />