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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />July 13, 1988 <br />Countr•y to make a r•ecommendation on whether• or• not IP zoning is appr•opr•iate in <br />Dr•ive the ar~ea, and, if so, which pr•oper~ties should be r•ezoned. <br />Relocation <br />(Cont.) Lar•sen pointed out that the City Council appr~oved the existing development <br />in the ar•ea. <br />Blesener• r•eplied that Councils change and have differ•ent standards. <br />Blesener~ pointed out that the ar•ea has not developed as it should nor~ <br />generated the tax dollars it should. Blesener reported that developers <br />and real estate people have told the Council that this area should be <br />the gateway to the City and better and more attr•active development should <br />be encour•aged. <br />Burton suggested that the Council review Mr. Lar•sen's site plans. <br />Fahey r•eplied that the site plans are not the issue this evening. If <br />after~ analysis it is deter•mined that the soils will only suppor•t steel <br />buildings, then the Council can pr•oceed with Mr~. Lar~sen's development <br />pr•oposal. Fahey pointed out that Ryan Industr•ial Par•k developed as it <br />did because of soil conditions, however~, he would like to avoid this <br />type of development in other• areas of the City. <br />It was suggested that Ryan Industr~ial Par•k be cleaned up. <br />Scalze pointed out that the City has been tr•ying to clean up the par•k <br />for several years. <br />Fahey noted that Countr•y Dr~i ve i s i n need of r•epai r~s and befor~e the Ci ty <br />pr•oceeds with this ~vor•k, it will study the relocation pr~oposal. Fahey <br />noted that the Council may conclude that the r•elocation is not r•easonable. <br />Lar•sen stated that it makes little differ•ence to him if Countr•y Dr•ive is <br />on the east or west end of his pr•oper•ty, however~, he needs to know about <br />the r•ezoni ng proposal . Lar•sen r•epor•ted that i f the proper~ty he i s <br />pur•chasing is r~ezoned to IP Distr•ict, he will have to pur•chase pr~oper•ty <br />el sewher•e. <br />Fahey suggested that the r•ezoning matter• can be consider~ed fir•st so as <br />not to hold up Mr•. Larsen's plans. <br />Lar•sen felt that r•ezoning the pr•oper•ty to IP Distr~ict will make it too <br />expensive to develop. Larsen also felt that 6 months was an unr~easonable <br />amount of time to wait before the r•ezoning issue is r•esolved. <br />Fahey again stated that the rezoning issue can be expedited. Fahey noted <br />the possiblity of use of TIF money for soil cor•r~ection costs, which could <br />r•esult in a higher•-quality development for~ the City. <br />Lar•sen again r•equested a quick clar•ification on the r•ezoning. <br />Fahey stated that the Council will tr•y to r~esolve the r•ezoning issue <br />Page -5- <br />