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07-13-88 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
07-13-88 Council Minutes
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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />July 13, 1988 <br />Boosalis RESOLUTION N0. 88-7-269 - INSTRUCTING THE <br />Rezoning CITY ATTORNEY TO DRAFT A ZONING ORDINANCE <br />Request AMENDMENT REFLECTING THE COUNCIL'S INTENT <br />(Cont.) TO REZONE THE PROPERTY IN QUESTION FROM B-3 TO R-1 <br />AS REQUESTED BY MR. SNERMAN BOOSALIS, THIS AMEND- <br />MENT TO BE INCLUDED AND FINALIZED ALONG WITH THE <br />PUD AGREEMENT FOR THE BOOSALIS DEVELOPMENT <br />PROPOSAL <br />The foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Mr•. Fahey. <br />Ayes (5) Blesener~, Fahey, Scalze, Collova, LaValle. <br />Nays (0). <br />Resolution declared adopted. <br />This r•esolution appear•s in Resolution Book No. 20, Pages 273 and 274. <br />Countr•y Fahey r•epor•ted that at the last Council meeting the Council authorized <br />Dr•ive the City Attor•ney to pr~epar•e an or•dinance placing a 6-month development <br />Relocation morator•ium on the Countr~y Dr~ive area to give the Council and Economic <br />Development Committee time to study the possibilities of r•ezoning the <br />Agenda ar•ea to IP Distr•ict to attr~act higher• quality development and to study <br />Item No. 6 the r•elocation of Countr•y Dr•ive to give proper•ties in the ar~ea better• <br />fr•eeway visibility. <br />Fahey noted that IP Distr•ict would pr•eclude steel buildings as is being <br />proposed by John Lar•sen of Bwana Archer•y. Fahey commented that if there <br />ar•e good soils in the Countr•y Dr•ive area that will suppor•t higher• quality <br />buildings, it was his feeling that the area should be r~ezoned to IP Distr•ict <br />similar• to what the Council did in the Centerville Road ar~ea. Fahey noted <br />the poor~er soils in the ar•ea of Ryan Industr•ial Par•k which could not support <br />heavy buildings. <br />Jim Bur•ton, Best Auto, r~epor•ted that his proper•ty had poor• soils and <br />pylings would have been necessar•y to suppor~t other• than a steel building. <br />John Lar•sen disagr•eed with the Council that a steel building cannot be <br />an attr•active building. Lar•sen pointed out that there are poor• soils <br />in the ar•ea as well as a high water• table which would r•equir~e pylings <br />for• a heavy building. Lar•sen asked what the Council expected to gain <br />by r•ezoning the property. Larsen felt a r•ezoning would make the pr•oper•ty <br />too expensive to develop. <br />Blesener• r•eplied that the Council would like to deter•mine soil conditions <br />in the ar•ea as par•t of the cr•iter•ia to be consider~ed in whether~ or• not to <br />r•ezone the ar~ea. <br />Fahey agr~eed that the Council may deter•mine that due to soil conditions <br />steel buildings ar•e appr•opr•iate. <br />Fahey r•eported that the City Engineer~ and City Planner will be dir~ected <br />Page -4- <br />
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