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I~r.~~cr~rrs or rtTT; runr,r.c zi}~,~rr.r~~r <br />SOI~ID G~7ASTP'. F1D~IIiOPY COC%7t-ITTTEE <br />CODITRACTTID G~RBAGB~ RPCYCL7NG, COI~~IPOST COLLECTION <br />J ITTI.~E CZ1iVAD~1~ C17.NNPSOTA <br />July ].9, J_~?F~~ <br />Ptirsuant to d~ae ca11 anc~ notice thcreof a puk~].ic hearing of the So1id <br />t~7aste Fldvisory Committee of the Ca.ty of Little Clnaua, Plinnesota ~vas held <br />on the 7.9th day of Ju].y, 1988 in tiie Council Chambers oi the City Center <br />7.ocaL-ed at 57.5 LiL-tl.e Canlcll Ro~d i.n sai~k City. <br />t;aLhy Tipler chairec~ the he~ring 1nd called it to orcier at. <br />7c30 pem, ancl tkie members vaere }~resente <br />MP~-iBERS PRPSFT7T: Kathy, Ch~irperson <br />Roger. Glanzer. <br />I91,PIF3PRS FV;SPD?Te <br />11LS0 PRTSPNTs <br />Jean Smith <br />Frank Grar,zyk <br />Virginia FisYi~r <br />P7al~er Gorrnan <br />T~? Quiri.n <br />JosepYi Ckilebeck <br />John Gater <br />Tecl ~ergstrorn <br />Clern IIagem~n <br />Colleen Ital.nine, <br />Ram>ey County <br />P1rs. Ti~1er beg~n by wYiy i:he City ha:; to start coi~siclering some <br />~lternatives iri i:rash collection. ~he ex~lained ~ohat the C9.ty of <br />La.ttle Canada h1s clone anc~ is doing to 7romote recycling, and ~•~Yzy tkie Cit.y <br />is leaning towards contracted collection. <br />A s].ide show svas presented discussing the reasons tor recyclinc~ axad for <br />contractec~ garbage collection, <br />T;r. Glanzer discus>ed the ~eneral ciescri.~~tions or the proZ~osed contr~ct. <br />9'he public k~ad the sugc~estions, cornmen9:s, and concernse <br />P~Yr. 13ern~rd, Presi~lent of the I?leur }.,oya_le Condomi.niurn l~ssoci~~iorxo <br />~si;ed i£ the Commi.ttee intencled to i.nclude a~~artments and <br />eonclorniniurns. i1rs, Tipler rep].i.ecl that tkaey were, Cir.. Pernard stated <br />that he ~vas concerned that the ~~ropose~ contr~ct was not going to worlt <br />~;~ith larcle buildings :>uch as his. Fleur 3.:oyale's ~~resent <br />hauler piclcs u,~ three tirnes a w~eek, Cir. G_lanzer re~li_ed that~ a <br />dunr~ster would be provicled thlt ~~iou].d be ;~iclced up as needecl, at7c~ tlaat <br />th9.s would be oaricten in the contract. Plrs, `.i'i~~ler statEd that the <br />~aeekl.y service ~vould be ~he min9.mum service, Ii.r. Bernarc{ askec3 iL <br />tk7ere ~~»s some ~~~ay tha~ Flcur Royale could get sorne addi.tional <br />i.nvolvernen~ in the LinaJ.izinc~ of the con'cract, h1r. C,lanzer replieci <br />f:h t tY e Commitlee intends to get; 1}~artment/ owrzers and <br />1 1 <br />lssociations L•o~etki~r ancl Z].so geL- a survey to them asking tliem ~•~hat <br />k9.nd oi service they ~re i.ising no~•~, Ctr. T;ernard canmented thlt he <br />i~elieves contractecl collection ~roul.d cost residents ].ess money and <br />they wou].d receive much better service. <br />