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l-9I ~itl `C il6 <br />So.liu t7aste Z~dvisory Committee <br />.7uly 1.9, 19f;8 <br />i7r. Vant~iorman, a resident of LiL-t1e Canacla, stated L•hat '.ne clisagrees <br />tl7at it 4dOUZC~ save every L~mily moneym ~1t the present time he malces <br />tu~o tri~s ? rnonth to ttie dum.pster ~~rith one 30 galJ.on tra.>k~ bac~ fi.].J.eci <br />which costs hi.rn S!?- all toge~her. IIe st~tecl th~t he has been recyc] <br />tor years, and ta1nL•ecl to Icnoe~ if p~ople that have been for <br />many year.s wall k~e nenllired by to ~~ay ~he S9 a monLh instead <br />of. the $~< he has been plyinq. D1rs, ~Pipler si:ated that tkie Committee <br />i.s trying i~o prevent izicreaUes in garbage ~>ickup, and tYiat Lhey ~~~i7.1 <br />}aave to ~~i:e a look at i.ndividua7, cases la.lce his, <br />~~Zr, iCath oL Kath F3rothers compJ.i.mentec~ ~I~e City f.or ta};ing L-he actioa~i <br />they have. Eie commented that v~rious peo.~le use hi.s c~umps~cr Lor <br />dumping their ~~arba9e, Iie felt that lYie com~~ost site ~~a~s ari e:ccel_lent <br />ide~, <br />~•7r, ~.l7.en~~ooa, ei resident of Littl.e C~nada, comrnented thaf: his present <br />l~auler supplaes him ~~ritki a container on ~akiee7.s. Flis nei.ghbors Go not <br />have that service anc3 sometimes their tralsh ends up in 1~9.s yard due to <br />ciogs or other animals. <br />1~ person present at tl~e he~ring asked when the City is going to t~l;e <br />bids and ~ahen the nrogr~lm was c~oing to be 9.rnplemented. ~~1r, Glanzer <br />re~~liecl that the earli.est they v~ou].e! take bicls F~ouJ.d be in P7ovember, <br />193£S and it caould be implemented between J~nuar.y 7., 19f~9 and July 1., <br />]9fi~e <br />flr. 3~lackLord, ~ resident oi Li~tle Canada, asl;ed if: the survey on <br />contracted collectiori ~r~as talcen i.n ci.ties o~her. than ?•7hite ~3e1r Lake, <br />i7rs, 9'ipler stated that she belongs to ~n organicltion in which :;he <br />r.eceives alot of information, and tkiat the City also has received aJ.ot <br />of inf:orrnation f.roxn Ramsey County, T=Tr. P,1aclcLor.c1 stated tha~ he .lives <br />in ~'lori.~ia 'part oi the yelr and his bill is only Sn.27 ~~~ith no charyes <br />Lor e:ctra picku.p, and that kie is billeci on a monthly basi.s sizace lae <br />only lives tkaere ~art of the year, C~Irs, ?'i71er stlted tkzat the <br />Cornmittee kiad not thouyht ~bout the residents ~rho 1e~ve for tne <br />v~inter, but they v~ill consi.cler thi.s, <br />7tr. I<1th of i;ath P,rothers asl;ecl if the C3.ty <br />com~~osL site be£ore ~.he contzactec~ coll.ecti <br />P~irs, Ti.p].~r replied tl~at if tkze site can be <br />citirens COU~.C~ dump tlie comz~ast thernselves, <br />v~ould not bc i.n place by then, F1r. Glanrer <br />site is and t~~hat needs to ue done be£ore it <br />wi.lJ. be opening the <br />~n progr.arn is im;~lemented. <br />o~~ened by this FaJ.l, the <br />k~ut tYae pi.clcux> service <br />~tated u~kzeze the proposed <br />can be o~?ened, <br />Page 2 <br />