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D'fII~U`.Ck;S <br />Solid 4~i~ste Aclvisory Cornmittee <br />Jul.y l~, 19fSf <br />A person present at the Yiearinc, cornrnented that ?3ellaire was LYie besi <br />hauler he ever k~ad. <br />flnother ~~erson aslced if the <3umpster was still to be available. <br />P3r. Glanzer re~l.ied t.hat it hasn't been decideclm SYie f-e].t that it <br />shoulu be for people iaho are remodelinc~. t'lr. Glanzer repli.ecl tYiat <br />there sail.l be a provision in the contract ~~~here the contrlci:or t~rill <br />pick u~~ the materill or suppl.y a dum,z~ster. <br />[1~ry £rom I~a{;e Sanifation cornmentecl that i.f ~.he City h1s alot oL extra <br />ckiar.yes, ther.e v~ill be allegal dumpinc~. P.esic+en'cs need a~~lace to gel <br />rid of tolste oil and batteries. PIr. Glancer re~~lied thlt thi.s c>>as <br />eatcluded Lrom the curbside pickup, but i.t wi_lJ. be inclucled in the <br />contract, [:ary commented tkiat she believes tkae er.isting 'r~aulers are <br />very eager to serve their customers anc~ c~~oulcl be Lo c~~ork with <br />tkaem on recycling, She stateci that the da.s~osal f-ees should be p~ssecl <br />on ~o the residents as soon as possible. She felt that the contract <br />should contain .lanc~uage that states that the City shoulcln't have to <br />renegoti.ate c1isposaJ. fees, Those f-ees shouJ.c~ just b~ 1~assed through, <br />[1rs, Tipler stated that the Cornrnittee ~oould t~ke a i.ook at that <br />e7ording. f4ary £e1t that the City couJ.d control waste clis~osal <br />st~ndards through their ~~resent licensing structure. P4ary saia tha~ <br />the City could have their current haulers up recyclables ancl <br />com~ost items under t-kieir current licenses. T1ary fel~ tki11, the City <br />should c~o ~•~h~~ mlkes the peo~le ha~~py, <br />7~ resideni: stated that in St. Cloud the haulers pick up old TVS, <br />furniture, and ap~l.iZnces at no extra cost> T.]rs, T9.pler re~~].ied that <br />the City can give as rnany services as tY~ey t•ranL-, tk~ey just have ~o r~ay <br />Lor them, <br />SomeonF askeci if ~~~Yzen the City tz)ces bids on i:kie contract, will the <br />residents have a chance to voice their opi.nions. ~Irs, Tipler rep7.ied <br />that the City Council ~~~i11 make L-he decisi.on, It's up to the Council <br />~~~hether they want to consider our recommenclations, <br />I4r, Quirin commented th1t, ~a9th reg~rd to the special case, tali;ed <br />lbout, the City sliou7.d estlblish z i.l~eory ~hat tkze only way <br />some residents coula be excluded is if they cooulcl use a cenLrali.zed <br />dumpst~r, Ile felt that tkie City could not have 1 fe~v residents sti].1 <br />having other haulers ;picking un their trash. <br />,i.nce there were no more comments, [4rs. Tip.ler adjourned the meeti.n~a <br />Itesvectfully sa mi.tted, <br />r <br />~7f ~~~~ ~ ~"~`~~~~"i~~ ~~~~~- <br />i[ris VanSchoonlioven <br />Secretary <br />Page 5 <br />