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rnr.rlvTrs <br />So1id i7aste Aclvisory Commi.ttee <br />Jtzly _l9, J.9F3£3 <br />5omeone asked ~ahaL- was ryoing to be clone aboui. tires. fi1r~. '1'i~~ler <br />replied tkiat a separate fee would probably have to be clalryed. <br />P-1r. Panek, a resident o!: Little Canacia, asked wkaat o~oulcl hapf~en to <br />earduolrcl, Pirs. Tipler. repliec~ tlaat resic~ents are supposed to cut i~ <br />up 9.nto 3 Loot squares. f?r. Panek askec~ if residents 4rou.ld be limitecl <br />~0 90 ga7.lons. c!lrs, Tip].er replied yes unless residents 4aant to }~ay <br />more rnoney. I-1r, Panek stated tYaat presently he does not h~ve to pay <br />more money For e:~tr1 glrbage, PTrsa Tipler repJ.ied that the Cornmittce <br />is trying to ~~revent resic~ents from doincJ thaL. Sorne haulers provic~e <br />sticlcers tYiat residents can pllce on their uays to notiLy hluler.s i;hat <br />tYiey kiave paid for those ex~ra b1gs. <br />11 person commen~ed Lhat there is a compost si.te on i3earn 1lvenue by <br />I?ic~hway 61 is open four dlys a weel;> <br />C.1r. Gorrnan commentecl thaL- there are over ?..,000 homeowners in Little <br />Canada. >omeone i.s going to ue a little bat inconvenienceci~vith <br />whatever prograrn that is implementec~. <br />A person ~~resent at the hearinc~ aslced <br />l~e on tkie honor system or if someone <br />Tipler re~lied that it is going to be <br />does not work out, the City wiJl have <br />open certain hours. The site will be <br />residents, <br />if <br />V1S <br />on <br />to <br />li <br />the compost site vras c~oinc~ to <br />cfoinc; to rnon9.tor it. btrs. <br />the honor system, but if it <br />rnoni~or it anc~ only have it <br />niLed to I,ittle C~nada <br />CIr. Steve Garslce, a resident of T,ittle Canada, suggested that the City <br />consider F;ellaire Sanitati.on as a contractor. t^ir. Garske ~slced if <br />during CYiri.stmas time or on birthdlys wYzen there is extr.a trash tail'1 <br />residents have to pay more and other tirnes oL tkie year be limited 1s <br />~o ho~~~ much trash tliey can have picl:ed up> firs. Tipler repliecl that <br />r.esi.dents will never kiave to pay extra for recyclaples. ~~r. Garske <br />aslteci who was going to monitor G,~hether he has a 30 ga.llon b1g out or a <br />60 ga)_lon bag out. iirs. Tipler repliecl i:hat the haulers will be doing <br />that. <br />11 person present at the hearing commented that sYie is concerned about <br />the small hauler. She felt that tkie Cit-y shoul.d i.mplemerit a two-tier <br />:;ystem having a sma.ll hauler pick up for one half oP the City and a <br />].arc~e kiauler picY. up For the other h~lf, Nirs, mi~~ler renlied that the <br />City does riot really have a sma'l1 t~auler. <br />n re~resentative Lrom I2ellaire Sani.tation comrnenteel that their company <br />i.s i.n Lavor of the f-ree enterprise system establishecl t>resently in <br />Little Canacla, S^7hen North St, Paul switchecl over to organized <br />collecti.on last year, five kiaulers Gvere forced out. She Lelt L-h1t <br />there a,s a c~ood organized pacY, up now and present h~ulers ~=~ould be <br />a~i.l.ling to ~oorl; ~,~ith resi.c7ents on recycling, <br />Page n <br />