"IT;!U'~?;S OC' mTz^ R'?GUi,Ai: .iPrTI~Ir
<br />~;TT`.t COUT'dCT~,
<br />L1:7' I'Ln CA~<rn)]f1o i!?.T.N~1;~;50`I`A
<br />Jta7.y ~7, 19g"
<br />Pursuant to c;ue ca1J. ~~i~d i7otice thereoL a reqular rneeti.nq of
<br />t.h~ Council oi the C3.ty ot Lithle Canacla, i~9.ranesot~i saa:; lielv.
<br />ox1 ~L-he 27~ki elay of J~:Lya l~?88 i.n tl:ie Counci7. Chambers of ~the
<br /> Ci.iy Cc~rit;er 7.ocatecl <at 51.5 7,itt].e Canada Road i.n s~iid Ci~y,
<br />1~Ac~enda I~tE;ra i~Iayoe r~~zr,k11e~7. Fahey c1_aaired tta~ meeti ;~g an<'.l cex7.l.ec1 :~t ~to
<br />C?o. 1. ore'~er a'c %s?0 p,m, ~ncl the zol_lo~~~i.xig meinaers oz tl~e Cow~cil
<br /> ~ae~re t~resent ~3L rol7, calls
<br />[lcjencla Ti:ern 1~1.1.f'3~,IZS Pi:t?il.r,~i~> ~:;~.ayor r"ir, T:iickir.teJ. ~ak~e~,
<br />?~?o, 2 Courzci.;L~~an r-ir, Bil_t ~3lesener
<br /> Co~inc~.lrnan x9.r. Ri.cic Co].],ova
<br /> Couriciltnzra r,7r, Ji.m r,a~7al.le
<br /> (arrivcd i;s15 ~,rn,)
<br /> t:~rr.~^rPS .~I„^>?,T~!7': Counci.7.~~ornan ftr.s, ?3everl.y Sc~J.ze
<br /> t~l'.~SO pR;?SI'sr;!;'e Cii.y Clerk i,:r< 3osee~h Cl~lel:~ecl;
<br /> City ~~torney ~Ar. George F>oeer
<br /> Cz.ty Engi~7ecr r;?.r> Do!za1c1 C~ir.ley
<br /> C:i.ty P].anr~ee I;r, Steve Gri.ttznan
<br /> Ac'eing R~cordi.etcl
<br /> Ser.r~t<~ry i'is, ;feai~ ":i.xi<~
<br />~?.ixiu~L-es ~,r. B1~~erier introducecl the f.-o1.7.owing re~;oli~ition and znovecl
<br /> its ~~c!optiorio
<br />A;enda Itea;~
<br />~70e ~ RP~iQLU~~.'SO_G`T T~~Q.m.._._~.~'7..:'.~i7 - T~l?]?T~~OV7 A1G `?'iIi'~
<br /> ` Z~~U i'isS 0,' `.CST1''~ ~7ULX 7.3' 7_9"n P,nGCILFI.P.
<br /> Cotr~~7C,Ir, t•:+rr.;mT,;ir
<br />'Chc~ 7'orec~o9xxg resolution caas du:t.y :;econcied ?~~ t'?.r, Co.l7.ov~.i,
<br />t~yes (3) Co7.lova, Plesener., I?ak~cy.
<br />;~ay:s (0).
<br />Resoluiion declare~.l ac~o~tec~,
<br />mhis re.;oluf.ion a,~,~ears in ResolutS.on ~soo{: T~o, 20, ?'a<Je ~9?„
<br />Announce- ~-:i-. L~alie~ eepor~~~cl that Canacli.aiti P,ays 4~a.11 :oe kze~.u on Auge~.st
<br />nients 5-7 at S~ooner n~~ari., E(~ a7.so stated some o[ tkie activ9.ties.
<br />~qei~d<1 Stem ~ r, t~~hey <-~.l:;o r.e~or.t:ed tixat ~ls of zioon ol~ Ju1_y ?,fl i;lze Ci.4y
<br />)"lo. ~ ~-aill Ue i.ia~z<7er ~n o~d/F,ven w~~r.irxl;]_ing slstem. On ~ugus~ 1
<br />the Ci.t:y ~aill be uncler a to~tal ban,
<br />i;fr, r'al~ey sta~tecl thax t:ne Gervais i~ii7.1 Pzzr.k d~cli_c~~ti.on e~i:l:l.
<br />be t~aeJ.c] on Saturd~:ip morr~ing Augasc ~,
<br />p~ye _~_
<br />