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riTi~ItJTT?S <br />City Counci7. <br />July ?7, l~"8 <br />St. Jok~n's rister Shi.rley, reZ~resentincJ ,t. ~Tohrt's Churcli, z~~;~ezred <br />Convent CUP beCore the Council approval oi a r.ond9.tion~l use <br /> T>ermit ~or rezoriinc~ of tlie cortvenL i or temporary hou„inc~ Lor <br />Ac~enc(a Tteru reFuyee f~ami.lies. <br />No, 5 <br />Si.ster Shir].ey re~~ort~d tkiar Lhe Lamily ttzat is cotil9.rzc~ <br />consists of ~en ~eo~ley l~owever., t~~o of 4:he coomen are <br />preynlnt. There is also a brother wkio is curren'c1y 1i.vinc~ <br />9.;i tYie area xakio ~ai11 move iri witki ~he [amiJ.y to ce~cli thexn <br />~nqJ.ish. She stZtec; that at tk~e Planning Cornrnission meeting <br />zhere w~s talk about li.rnitang tl~e number oi peo.r:~1e caho could <br />live there to ten, <br />f-nr. Grittrnan Utatecl tnZ~ tkxe E'ire P~2lrskzall to1.d ~aim t~~t due <br />Lo ~;)~e t'ire Code, on:ty te~1 peo~~le r.ould 'ae zllowecl ~o s~:ay <br />there; l~otaever, f:he Pflarshal.7. sa9.d that he uiould check <br />L-l~is ouL-. P4r. B7esener~, rel>orteci,tP^at Patne~ F~tz,,z> <br />oCOR1z~;CT~~N tolu hi.m ti~1t. the famiJ.y~ott3-c#'on7y~ ~e ~tayincj 1i; the <br />~5~~-~- 9 conve~YP.or lkiree months ~n1;~.mum at~u cYie F~ther ielt that <br />tYiis~,~etrJ-ci only be a tlzi.i~g, .1r, ^11iey suc~c~ested vae <br />1.eave it to the di.scret9.o7~ oi ~he I~' r4~rsha I,l. Si tf.~ere <br />i.s a good reason to J.irna.t t~ze number oi L~eop_le to ten i or <br />safety reasons, tYie City slzoulcl res~~ect it, <br />Pir, Palaey i.ntro<3~ar.c,d tkie followincJ r.esolution and rnovecl i.i:s <br />adopt:i.on a <br />^Pt;ni~t7T~nT7..T?n,s__IIG_%?8v - CT,OST.T~fG TIIP:, <br />7?UP~I,IC HEk~RING ON T~IF u'.P. JOk,~I'S <br />CONVnrI'i' COT.~DITI01~1AL USP PFR:IIT .P,^nUP>.^L <br />The foregoinc~ resolution uras c9uly seconded by J.Ir, 31e.;ener. <br />Ayes (3) E,lesener, _Fahey, ColJ_ova, <br />Tlays ( 0 ) e <br />nesolut9on decllred aclopte~i, <br />`"his reso7.uti.on appe~rs i.n Pesolutiori Pook D?o, 20, Ya9~e 2~~, <br />Since 'che reso7.ution for passage recsuires four votes, the <br />Council. kaad to teait un~i]. Jim LaVal.le arrivecl. <br />Pa].rnen P-1r, P.obert Pa;Lmen a~?z>er:ired be7`.ore the Council requesting <br />Preliminary ~ re].iminary approv~l of Palmen 1\~idition. [tr. Fzhey reZ~orcecl <br /> that the Comn~i.ssian recornmencled approval subject to <br />11~proval the Planrzer's reuor.t oi Ju1y %. f~~9r. Palmen indica~ted that <br />i:he Corps oL Engineer's 7.etter i.s for.thcominq. Fie stateel <br />rlyenc~a I~em that he kias ap~~roval from ~he S~> Paial b~7~~ter. Depar~ment, <br />~70, > The City has the pl.~t and background reports, <br />Page -2,- <br />