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P~INUTES OF THE RFGULAR MEETING <br />CITY COUNCIL <br />LITTLE CANADA, MINNESOTA <br />August 24, 1988 <br /> Pur•suant to due call and notice thereof a r•egular• meeting of the Council <br /> of the City of Little Canada, Minnesota was held on the 24th day of <br /> August, 1988 in the Council Chamber•s of the City Center• located at 515 <br /> Little Canada Road in said City. <br />Agenda Mayor Michael Fahey chaired the meeting and called it to or~der~ at 7:30 <br />Item No. 1 P.M. and the following members of the Co uncil wer•e pr~esent at roll call: <br />Agenda MEMQERS PRESENT: Mayor• Mr•. Michael Fahey <br />Item No. 2 Councilman Mr. Bill Blesener~ <br /> Councilman Mr. Rick Collova <br /> Councilman Mr•. Jim LaValle <br /> Councilwoman Mrs. Beverly Scalze <br /> ALSO PRESENT: City Cler~k Mr•. Joseph Chlebeck <br /> Ci ty Attor~ney Mr•. Thomas Sweeney <br /> Ci ty Engi neer• Mr•. Donal d Car~l ey <br /> City Planner• Mr•. Steve Gr•ittman <br /> Recordi ng Secr•etar~y Mr•s. Kathy Gl anzer• <br />Minutes Blesener• r~epor•ted that on page 16 of the August 10, 1988 Council meeting <br /> minutes, the minutes should be corr~ected to r~eflect that the homes in the <br />Agenda Wentwor~th Avenue ar•ea wer~e in existence prior to constr•uction of the <br />Item No. 3 highway r•ather• than after~ highway constr~ uction which is the case in the <br /> Twin Lake Tr•ail ar•ea. <br />Mr•. Blesener• intr•oduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 88-8-340 - APPROVING THE MINUTES <br />OF THE AUGUST 10, 1988 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING <br />AS CORRECTED <br />The foregoing r•esolution was duly seconded by Mr•. Collova. <br />Ayes (5) Blesener•, Collova, Fahey, Scalze, LaValle. <br />Nays (0). <br />Resolution declar~ed adopted. <br />This r~esolution appears in Resolution Book No. 2Q, Page 346. <br />Announcements Fahey r•epor•ted that the Little Canada Road br~idge will be closed beginning <br />at 1:30 A.M. on Fr•iday, August 26, and will be reopened on Monday, August <br />Agenda 29, at 6 A.f4. <br />Item No. 4 <br />Fahey also r•epor~ted that watering ban restr•ictions have been r•emoved and <br />thanked all those citizens who cooper•ated dur•ing the r•estr~iction. <br />Imp. No. Fahey opened the Public Hearing to consider• pr~oposed Impr•ovement No. 88-19, <br />No. 88-19 the impr~ovement of Sylvan Str•eet fr•om Demont to f)ay Str~eet with stor•m sewer, <br />and the improvement of Day Str~eet fr~o~~, 5ylvan to 300 feet west with storm <br />Agenda sewer•. <br />Item No. 5 <br />Page -1- <br />