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12-14-88 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
12-14-88 Council Minutes
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P1I~lUTFS OF THE REGULAR MEETIPIG <br />CITY COUNCIL <br />LITTLE CA~IADA, P1IPJNESOTA <br />December 14, 19IIII <br />Pur•suant to due call and notice ther~eof a r•egular• meeting of the <br />Council of the City of Little Canacia, Minnesota was held on the <br />lahh day of December, 1988 in the Council Chambers of the City <br />Center located, at 515 Little Canada Road in said City. <br />Flgenda Ma,yor• Michael Fahey chaired the meeting and called it to or~der• at <br />Item Mo. 1 7:30 P.M. and the following members of the Council were present at <br /> roll call: <br />Agenda MFPI6ERS PRFSE~IT: Dlayor~ Mr~. P9ichael Fahey <br />Item No. 2 Councilman Mr•. Bill Blesener <br /> Councilman Mr. Rick Collova <br /> Councilman Mr. Jim LaValle <br /> MEP9BFRS AI3SEMT: Council~~oman Mrs. [ieverly Scalze <br /> ALSO PRESENT: City Clerk Mr~. Joseph Chlebeck <br /> Consulting Engineer• h9r•. Donald Carley <br /> City Attorney Mr. Thomas Sweeney <br /> Recor•di ng Secr•etary D9r•s . Kathl een Gl anzer <br />P4i nutes Mr~. lil esener• i ntr~oduced the fol 1 owi ng r~esol uti on anct moved i ts adopti on: <br />Agenda RESOLUTION N0. 88-12-524 - APPROVING THE <br />Item No. 3 RIINUTES OF THE PJOVEMBER 23, 1988 REGULAR <br />COUNC,IL MEETING AS SU~3MITTED <br />The foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Mr. LaValle. <br />Ayes (4) Blesener•, LaValle, Collova, Fahey. <br />Nays (~). <br />Resolution declared adooted. <br />This r•esolution appear•s in Resolution Qook P!o. 20, Pa~e 562. <br />Announcements Fahey r•epor•ted that as part of the City's cur~bside r•ecycling pr~ogram, <br />Supercycle wi11 no lonner be picking up junk mail, catalogs, phone books <br />An,enda and wr~apper~s due to sor~ti ng pr•obl ems wi th these mater•i al s. However•, the <br />Item No. ~ following mater•ials are acceptable for• r•ecycling: newspapers, cardboard, <br />glass, cans and aluminum. <br />Blesener reminded the general public that pick-up day for rec,yclables is <br />the third Wednesday of each month. <br />Fahe,y informed the general public that th~re are three $500 scholarships <br />available throurh the Little Canada/Vadr<3is Heights Chamber• of Commerce <br />for post-seconc!ary education. Deadline for submission of grant applications <br />Page -1- <br />
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