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MINUTES <br />City Council <br />Dec. 14, 1988 <br />Announce- is Febr~uar~y 28, 1989. Adult students are encour•aged. to apply with <br />ments (Cont.) applicants r•equired to be at least senior•s in high school. <br />Celebrate Mr•. ~ill Sanders appear~e~ before the Council to pr•esent his concept <br />MN 1990 for~ str•eet and. park improvements in conjunction with the Celebrate <br />Minnesota 1990 gr•ant progr•am. The purpose of this program is to pr•ovide <br />Agenda funding to assist in cleaning up and beautifying communities and the <br />Item No. 5 program coincides with the U.S. Olympic Festival that will be held in <br />Minnesota in 1990. <br />Sanders r~epor~ted that he is pr~oposing a combination of park impr•ovements <br />and street-scape improvements center•ed ar•ound. Little Canada Road and <br />specifically the new Little Canada Road bridge. Sanders reportetl. that <br />one of the requirements of the progr~am is that pr•ojects be completed in 1989 <br />and r•eady for• use in 1990. Sander•s pointed out that the City is in the <br />pr•ocess of planning the development of Centerville Roa~ Park. Constr•uction <br />on this park will begin in 1989 and continue through 1990. The School <br />District is also c~ar•rently planning the addition to the existing Little <br />Canada Elementar~y School, which will begin in 1989 and be r•eady for use in <br />1990. Sander•s also pointed out that the Historical Society is in the pr~ocess <br />of developing a publication outlining the histor~y of the City, which is <br />planned for publication in 1990. <br />Sander•s repor•ted that MN DOT has recently completed the Little Canada Road <br />br•idge project, and he has developed landscape plans for the ar•ea around <br />the bridge which he'sis cur•rently working on with M~! DOT. This landscaping <br />is planned for 1989. <br />Sander•s outlined the proposals that he feels should be included in the <br />grant application, which include landscaping along Little Canada Road as <br />well as in City park pr•oper~ty, flag poles and banner•s along Little Canada <br />Road in the ar~ea of the bri~ge, a decor•ative lighting system on Little <br />Canada Road adjacent to the, trail connections in Spooner• Park <br />as well as connecting Centerville Road Par~k to the apartments on LaBor•e <br />Road and eventually to Spooner Park, play ar•ea expansion in Spooner Par•k, <br />and electrical wor•k that is necessar•y for the City's Canadian Days Celebration. <br />Sanders estimated the cost of the proposed improvements at $100,000. Sanders <br />infor•med the Council that the gr•ant is a 3-to-1 matching grant with the <br />State pr•oviding maximum gr•ants of $25,000. If the City received a$25,000 <br />grant, it would have to come up with $75,000 in matching funds. <br />Sander•s repor~ted that the gr•ant application deadline is this week, with <br />the selection process to occur~ in Februar•y. The gr•ant would requir~e <br />pr•ojects to be completed by the end of 1989 and ready for• usage in 1990. <br />Sander•s pointed out that about ~17,000 of the impr•ovements he discussed. <br />ar•e al r•eady budgeted for• i n the 1989 budget. <br />LaValle asked if the gr•ant money could be used for~ impr~ovement of the <br />Centerville Road Park. <br />Page -2- <br />