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M,INUTES <br />Cit.y Council <br />December~ 28, 1983 <br />The for•egoing r~esolution was duly seconded by Mr. Blesener~. <br />Ayes (5) Scalze, Blesener•, Collova, Fahey, LaValle. <br />Nays (0). <br />Resolution declar~ed adopted. <br />This resolution appear•s in Resolution 6ook No. ?_0, Pages 589 and 590. <br />Kehn The City Attorney submitted for approval a reassessment agreement for• the <br />Reassessment Kehn property. The Attorney r•equested that the Mayor• and City Cler•k be <br />Agr•eement authorized to sign this agreement. <br />Agenda p1r. Blesener introduced the following resolution and movecl its adoption: <br />Item No. 7a <br />RESOLUTION N0. 88-12-551 - REASSESSMENT OF <br />PROJECT II6-2 <br />The foregoing r•esolution was duly seconded by Mr•. LaValle. <br />Ayes (5) Blesener•, LaValle, Scalze, Collova, Fahey. <br />Nays (0). <br />Resolution declared adopted. <br />This r•esolution appear~s in Resolution Book No. 20, Pages 591 and 592. <br />~98g The Council r•eviewed the proposed 1989 Attorney's contr•act as submitted. <br />,4ttorney's <br />Contr~act Mr~. LaValle intr~oduced the following r~esolution and moved its adoption: <br />Agenda P,ESOLUTI0~1 N0. 88-12-552 - ACCEPTING AND APPROVING <br />Item No. 7b THE 1989 CITY ATTORNEY S CONTRACT AS SU~3MITTED <br />The for•egoi ng r•esol uti on was duly seconded by Mr•. Bl esener•. <br />Ayes (51 LaValle, f3lesener, Scalze, Collova, Fahey. <br />Nays (0). <br />Resolution declared adopted. <br />This r~esolution appears in RP.solution Book ~lo. 20, Page 593. <br />Hazardous Fahey reported that the Fire Department has indicated that State Law <br />Mater~ial requires them to adopt a Hazar•dous Mater~ial Response Plan. Fahey <br />Response r~eported that the Fir•e Depar•tment feels that the Cit,y should contract <br />Plan with a State agency or• County agency for the development of such a <br />plan and for pr•imary r•esponse to such an incident that might occur•. <br />Agenda <br />Item No. 10 Blesener noted that in order for Fire Department personnel to be qualified <br />in this ar•ea would requir~e a great deal of training. <br />Fahey reported that it is the Fire Department's plan to continue to <br />tr•ai n i n thi s area for the rol e of fi r•st-r•esponder~. However, the <br />Page -5- <br />